Originally Posted by Tuco
I mean, one thing is PRECISELY aimed to achieve the other.
We don't speak constantly about these flaws because we are in love with our own voice, but in the hope more people will notice these issues we care about and join the request to fix what needs to be fixed.
Originally Posted by andreasrylander
Yes, definitely! Although many threads and topics have gotten lots of people involved, and there are lots of people discussing on Reddit now too. I think that's a good thing! Some people, like myself of course, do tend to repeat things we're passionate about, but in the best scenarios, it does get people involved in creative and constructive discussions, which is worth something, despite the sea of repetitive stuff by the same ol' people (like me. And yes, I know how annoying I can be, I've been living with me for 40 years!).
My point is that repeating the same talking points in the same places aren't going to attract a different group of people to the discussion. Of the people who read the forums, those who share your opinion on the matter (myself included) have already commented on the topic and given our agreement. Whilst repeating yourself might make me or anyone else who agrees on the topic of the toilet chain agree more, it isn't going to make new people come in and voice their opinion on the matter, which is what you really need.

You need to go into places where it isn't a topic actively discussed and drum up support there. Maybe convince reddit to stop discussing Helsin for 5 minutes and have a discussion about the chain there, or raise the issue in a twitch stream. If you want to raise awareness of an issue, you need to raise awareness in more than one place and the places you need to raise them in need to actually matter, because the forum is pretty much the back end of nowhere with the same 10 or so people dominating 90% of all discussions.

Originally Posted by Tuco
Objectively false. I started rather enthusiastic about the EA build only to grow more and more disappointed as long as bad trends with the production became more obvious.
My point was not about sentiment, it was about entrenched opinions regarding issues identified with the game. Every single person's sentiment has changed over time, but very few people who actively post regarding their perceived issues have shifted their stance on those perceived issues at all. Has your opinion on the toilet chain changed since you opened the thread? Nope.

Originally Posted by Tuco
Also, courtesy of Maximuuus:
Snipped to save space
That summary is a similar idea to what I am referring to and my point is that, if you were to make an additional post on the matter within that thread the statistics would not change at all. If you want to make it more likely that Larian pays attention to that discussion using a summary like that, you want to get the statistics to even further favor your opinion, which means getting people who have not already contributed to voice their opinion on the matter, which means raising awareness of it in places where awareness of it does not exist.

Last edited by Sharp; 09/04/21 02:25 PM.