Originally Posted by DragonSnooz
If people are allowed to share their counter opinion for others to see/hear it's not an echo chamber. Situations happen in real life where a person can't change the opinion of the room, even when they're correct. Usually if someone writes out good logic and provides data people will support that opinion. But sadly it doesn't always happen.

Multiple people agreeing doesn't stop other people from accessing the counter-opinion and allows others in the discussion to form their own opinion.
Echo Chamber Effect
An echo chamber is "an environment where a person only encounters information or opinions that reflect and reinforce their own."
My point was that as more people dogpile on the contrary opinion, the opinion gets "drowned out" and the user potentially feels alienated from the community, thus stops contributing. There is no hard measure preventing them from doing so, but because they felt that their opinion was not wanted in that particular medium, they stopped contributing. Yes, someone could potentially go in there and post a contrary opinion, but when coming into that community, that person would see the same list of ideas posted over and over again they would likely develop the idea that that community is not somewhere their opinion is welcome and thus they would opt out of contributing. Then given enough time, you will reach the point where, "a user will see no opinion but their own," because all the people that did have other opinions gave up arguing and moved somewhere else.

Not all restrictions need to be hard restrictions, you could argue that even algorithmic restrictions are not hard restrictions if you deliberately use tools to counteract the work of that algorithm because algorithmic restrictions are just another form of soft restriction.

Originally Posted by Tuco
Why are you even assuming I didn't already?
Mainly because, unlike on the forums where I see these topics brought up again and again and again, I didn't see them brought up in those other places much if at all. Not that I am everywhere, I admit I stopped reading steam almost immediately because its very rare useful discussion takes place there and I don't read youtube comments sections much either, but when I do bother to check the subreddit its all sunshine and roses with Astarion and friends.

Last edited by Sharp; 09/04/21 09:44 PM.