Originally Posted by Sharp
Well, here you go. I did start running out of ideas for some repeated topics around about number 19.
[Linked Image from i.imgur.com]

The forums have a rather small userbase and you can more or less keep track of the people who actively post a lot. Their opinions have been entrenched since the beginning (yourself, sludge khalid, Maximuuus, tuco, KillerRabit, etc) and have not shifted much over the course of time. There were some contrarians who also posted a lot but they have disappeared (firesnake, surfaces_R, etc). They also had their own list of issues, but they disagreed with the first group on quite a few topics and there was some back and forth discussion about it without going into mud slinging. I would strongly bet on the shift of discourse being the result of the disappearance of the latter group leading to the creation of an echo chamber here, similar to how reddit is the echo chamber to go to when you want to discuss Helsin's body.

They have, but not all grievances are the same. I personally think the weakest part of the game is the fact that it uses DND combat and would throw the entire thing away and use something else (I don't think Larian's system is a better alternative), but hell would freeze over before a completely new system was ever implemented.

Just because people are right about an issue in 1 game, does not mean a different group of people are right about a different set of issues in another game. An easy example of this is the vocal crowd in the Path of Exile community who pretty much wants to turn the game into a clicker and forget about the aRPG.

Anyhow, I am not going to get into this argument again. I had this argument when the game first came out with Sludge Khalid and nobody budged, repeating the same talking points again isn't going to get anyone anywhere. I have no intention of being Don Quixote here.

Whilst I agree that the way party controls are bad, I don't think constant repetition of feedback from the same group of people is going to change their minds about anything. Were I a developer, it would not change my mind either. If I was gathering feedback from the forums, I would use a tool to condense all the posts on a topic from single users and then measure the sentiment from the condensed post, then look at it based on the number of people complaining as well as what type of player they are. Multiple posts on the topic from a single user would be completely discarded, because I would only be counting the user's opinion on the whole. We know Larian is big on using data analysis, so I would not be surprised if they did something similar.

The best way to change their mind with such a system, would be to get lots of outsiders who are not currently complaining about it, to join in on the discussion, which would mean promoting the topic in places where it is not heavily discussed. Examples of such being on youtube, steam, twitch, twitter, etc.

I really wish this forum had a thumbs up button wink