Originally Posted by Pandemonica
The difficult part is the "constructive" part. Especially when it is involving the mega threads. I will say, at lest when a newcomer "necros" a thread, that is far more interesting than to see it necroed by an existing actor chanting the same points. I am glad I don't have to mod a forum. I would lose my shi&t!

Which is why I've been largely absent for the past six months! A number of my friends are schoolteachers and I'm not entirely sure how they maintain their sanity.

I think as a general rule it makes for a more interesting and productive discussion if one can bring along new viewpoints or at least discuss the subject respectfully; which is usually the case, but there have been examples where someone repeatedly makes exactly the same point in a manner which tends to stifle discourse rather than encouraging it. Other than "I won the internet today", nothing is gained.

J'aime le fromage.