Originally Posted by Saito Hikari
Admittedly, the overall tone and existing topics to even talk about can color one's perception too. Few have the skill to really explain their stance without sinking into generalizations... Or are naturally sliding into generalizations because of a lack of openings to really explain either.
It's hard to not generalize on forums. To get specific it takes data or a reliable resource, and acquiring either can be time consuming. It's also risky to refer to specific forum members.

Originally Posted by Saito Hikari
From the way I post, I imagine most people have already lumped me into the 'hater with a grudge' camp. The reality is, I love everything about the game EXCEPT the combat and the party controls, and as it stands, the combat is currently in a bad enough place to really sour my overall opinion on the game. Combat design is also a higher priority for me than the writing and quality of the graphics, because it's the part of the game where you're expected to engage with the deeper mechanics and actually think. One can write a compelling story all they want, it’s the combat that will decide whether I’ll do another playthrough to see what I missed the first time around.

Unless you’re the devs of Disco Elysium, who made the bold decision of having no combat at all, and it’s arguably a lot better off for it.

I don't see too many folks in the "hater with a grudge" camp. I certainly haven't seen you as one.

Originally Posted by Tuco
Originally Posted by Saito Hikari
I like how everyone is arguing about echo chambers
It's background noise, really,
The whine about echo chambers is conveniently picked up every time someone feels cornered.
There are cases where the accusation may hold some merit, but to suggest it applies to this forum borders in denial.
It would be great if folks were confident in their arguments/opinions and more willing to supplement with data or facts.
I don't know why some would feel they need to use deflections like "claims of an echo chamber" and "I dare you to go to Facebook and do x, y, z."