I am happy people are enjoying the game, the intense feedback is because people do enjoy and see the potential in BG3. The fans of the series want to see the game realised.
I have lost count over the years of people that say "no don't change anything the game is perfect" (me included actually) but eventually when the game is changed they say "wow it really is better this way". The best games are generally those that get more difficult as you progress with rewards that reflect this. Some games like the Witcher 3 are amazing because the story is so complex and compelling not because the gameplay was particularly fluid or fun. BG 3 has the potential to fit both epic gameplay and story like so few can boast. This is because it is based off a long standing tabletop and gaming franchise.
The story should write itself, you can plop "random red shirt guy from star trek" into the world of D&D and from walking from one place to another generate a compelling story full of treasure, hardship and horror. Every scrap of land in Faerûn has its own unique history, peoples, monsters, dungeons......The story is already written. The game mechanics are already solid with 50 years of ironing out the kinks, not something you can really reinvent without knackering a well established system.
The world is already built and the game mechanics are already written. All you need to do is add personalities to walk from A to B right? Nope, lets get creative and reinvent the wheel, lets make it square or better yet triangle.....Wait a minute lets make them round because i totally thought of that first.
If you haven't played it get BG1&2 enhanced edition on sale on steam if you can afford it. A bit dated but still epic with a potential few thousand hours of exploring classes and lore. Also I don't know if it is still about but "Temple of elemental evil" was aonther unsung classic imo.