I almost forgot I was even in this thread.

Back on the topic of Bard's effect on that one fight... I've kind of realized that something about it actually changed between the last patch and the current patch. In fact, the last few bugfix patches might have stealth changed it even more. Which could suggest that Bard could be the class we're getting next, although it's more likely that the devs are working on all of the classes little by little at once.

I remember Luring Song used to affect the Bard during the previous patch if the Harpies recast it during the fight, even if the Bard had succeeded in the check to break the song's effect on the tiefling boy. Since the patch though, the Bard is completely immune to it during the fight, with the game even showing you an 'Immune to Lured' text effect when their turn comes around, despite the Luring Song status effect still appearing on their portrait.

I also remember the last time I played the game before the mini-patches, the Bard did not have advantage in their exclusive Performance check to break the song (not that they need it, the Bard should have enough stacking modifiers to roll a 1 and still succeed). Now, the Bard gets to make that roll with advantage. Though it's possible I simply never noticed that the roll could be done with advantage, as again, the Bard could roll a 1 and still succeed.

But yeah, Bard may not be particularly plot relevant at any given point in the story like Druid and Cleric, but I imagine they'll get the most class-exclusive dialogue spread out through the whole game due to the very nature of their class anyway. I've observed even more Bard dialogue with people and situations most people wouldn't expect.

Last edited by Saito Hikari; 13/04/21 09:22 AM.