Apparently Niara is always right. (and I kinda wish Niara would make list of all her feedback like Drath has done).

At the same time I get why they did this. WotC is (once again) moving away from alignment and Seldarine / Lolth-Sworn is plaster and paper for the hole left by the lack of alignment. If they correct this and put drow under elf they also need to include drop down menus for alignment and deity on the same page. (with notes that elves who worship human gods exile themselves from the elven reincarnation cycle)

A bit of tanget here but I'm so annoyed that WotC is doing this.

Racism -- scientific racism -- is the belief that the human species is divided into different species, sub-species or breeds. In the real world race is fiction, in Faerun race is real. Elves and dwarves are different species that can't interbreed. Fantasy /= reality.

So if you replace the idea that there are species that have been enslaved by evil gods and made evil -- that the drow are like Tolkein's orcs -- what do you replace it with? The idea that culture that practices slavery and human sacrifice is culturally evil? Congrats, you've jumped out the frying pan of racism into the fire of colonialism. So now it's not okay to kill monsters because their soul is corrupt, it's okay to kill them because they come from an evil culture. This is the essence of colonial thinking -- the savages will convert or die.

This 'solution' to perceptions of racism actually makes things worse -- colonial thinking is no worse an evil in the modern world than is scientific racism. Before one could say "well biological race is fantasy, fire breathing dragons are a fantasy, it's a fantasy setting" but now WotC has blurred the line between fantasy and reality. This is a bad development. Full stop.