I should probably pull up all of my focus threads at some point, and cross-link them. I was a lot more aggressive in these earlier ones... I've tried to keep my tone more even-handed in more recent threads.
But I will say that while this might have been done for the tag system, it's placing counter-intuitive design and confusion on the player side of the picture, to make it simpler for the tagging system that was lazily transposed wholesale from a previous game; that's not good practice. The player side should be simple, consistent and intuitive, and the tag system should be robust enough in its back end to actually do the job that it's intended to do, which is primarily to handle branching dialogue options, and the results thereof. There is no reason for a system that has that as its main purpose to trip and stumble over the 'level' of the tag regarding race or subrace. If the tag system cannot currently handle giving the correct dialogue line options or reactions from NPCs if Drow are a subrace of elves in the game, that's a problem for the tag system to overcome, not something that should be left to create inconsistent dissonance on the player side of the screen.