Originally Posted by Zarna
Originally Posted by fallenj
There is already sign of long rest requirement via dialog that characters say out of no where. This leads to possibility of a day night cycle of some sort, I would guess a fatigue system - one that reduces attributes or combat effectiveness. Along with locking long rests to the feature, so it would be time, combat, or checkpoint triggered.

Compiling more ontop of it will lead to a survival game (starvation, camp equipment breaking/repair, exhaustion, etc).
That dialogue seems to only be because someone wants to talk to you at camp. I tried resting every time someone complained about being tired on my last playthrough and it was ridiculous and immersion breaking.

We need a day/night cycle or at least an in game clock. Exhaustion can simply be like it is in 5e, eating and equipment repair would most likely be assumed to be happening during rests. Dialogue should be able to happen anywhere unless it requires a camp trigger, to avoid the feeling that our companions have never done anything requiring exertion in their lives.

It generally feels like a unfinished feature, I can't imagine it'll be left like how it is for full release.