Originally Posted by Lethan
Personally I feel the tag system and the current way the races are presented are correct. With exception to Half-Drow, which should be placed under Drow with yet another specification.

You may feel that Drow and Elf are the exact same thing, but the NPC's in the game world do not. Drow and the other underdark races are generally feared by the overworlders and have entirely separate ways of dealing with things. With that in mind, placing the odd/unique/quirky races in their own category is a direct indicator that you're in for a different experience than if you chose a more normal option.

For example, playing a Dwarf/Human/High+Wood Elf gave very few lines; very little shock and awe and very rarely touched on their race. Naturally there's exceptions.

Playing a Half-Elf gave a few lines towards Shadowheart and some sass from 1 or 2 other NPC's.

But playing a Drow or Duergar (mods) opens up entirely new lines, reactions from the offset. I was honestly thrown back when I first created a Drow and found entire ways of getting around were opened; and some of the lines given were bluntly put, rude. Until you do something "normal" and you get minor shocked praise for it.

The current splitting up makes sense. Playing basic and playing quirky are different games. They need to be outlined as such.

-- Edit : The chart in the OP, Drow have Superior Darkvision which is double basic.

I believe this is because drow and gits were added primarily for evil roleplaying, because they are usually positioned as "evil" races. So they have more options in different situations. I've never played as 'good' drow, and I don't know how many lines they have. But drow Lolth has lines like "drow" and "drow lolth", which I personally like.

Also drow lose most of the interaction in goblin camp. I literally didn't have some cut scenes and didn't know they existed until I tried talking to goblins as a companion. If you are a drow, goblins will let you pass and not cross you, and if you are playing with another race, then you can have an interesting dialogue. So I think it's fair.

I don't speak english well, but I try my best. Ty