Originally Posted by Niara
Let's do a quick comparison:

[Linked Image from i.imgur.com]

We can note several things here, such as the fact that high elves lose out on a bonus which no longer applies, but don't get anything back in return for it, unlike wood elves, who do. Drow, meanwhile, are missing their keen senses trait (I saw someone comment that they get perception proficiency anyway; this is not true.)

Most importantly, however, is that there's no mechanical reason why drow should not be a normal subrace of Elf, like they're meant to be. It all fits perfectly well, and aside from the expression of physically externalised fantasy racism, drow 1 and drow 2 are mechanically identical.

In fact, when you line it all up, the design choice that Larian has made here makes it seem like they've made more work for themselves than just sticking with the handbook ordering of things, for ultimately no difference or benefit...

So I have to ask, why? Why would you choose to implement things in a way that takes more work than less, when the only functional difference for doing so is to amplify and reinforce the sense of racial segregation and fantasy racism to a greater extent than it will already occur?

Please redo this to be more in line with the existing books; Drow as one of the subraces of elves, possibly with a selection box to say whether you follow Lolth or not.

Larian took out features for other races also and didn't replace them, leaving some races feeling weaker than others (halfling). The only gripe I have about Drow would be height, they're suppose to be shorter.

Height/Weight Thread

Elves are not Elven (Semi Related Topic)

Last edited by fallenj; 14/04/21 01:32 PM.