Hotfix #10 "From now on, loaded dice will only bend RNG in the rolling character's favour. That means you will not be made to miss to make up for a lucky streak of hits."

So my understanding that means the target roll affects the outcome of our rolls. I was curious to see how this change affected our roll distribution.

Here is my comparison against the same low & high AC target:

Hotfix #10 Weighted Dice Target 4 (AC 9 - 5 Proficiency 85% chance to hit)

Number of rolls 3 or below: 7
Number of rolls 4 or above: 93
Longest Streak 3 or below: 1 roll

Number of rolls 11 or below: 45
Number of rolls 12 or above: 55
Longest Streak 11 or below: 7 rolls

Hotfix #10 Weighted Dice Target 12 (AC 16 - 4 Proficiency 45% chance to hit)

Number of rolls 3 or below: 8
Number of rolls 4 or above: 92
Longest Streak 3 or below: 2 rolls

Number of rolls 11 or below: 42
Number of rolls 12 or above: 58
Longest Streak 11 or below: 2 rolls

Comparison Chart:

I could have been extremely lucky when I tested on the higher AC target but the overall distribution was similar to the low AC target, except my rolls below 12 streak was reduced from 7 to 2 which means I never missed more than twice in a row even against the higher AC target.

The chart shows that against low AC there is a more even spread of rolls above 4 because any roll above 4 should be unaffected. Against higher AC, the distribution is more above 12 which seems to confirm that the change in Hotfix #10 is doing its job and rolling more hits than misses.