Originally Posted by GristlyKnuckle
The point I'm trying to make is that I have my own dice. Larian should just let us type in our own die results. If you thought I was trying to make any other point, then you are wrong. That is the right answer.

Some of your replies actually made me chuckle in combination with your portrait, it's quite funny imagining the figure in your portrait having eloquent meta-magical philosophical monologues on statistical theory.

Anyhow, just wanted to add a +1 to the option to add your own dice results. I plan to play BG with the gf and it would be such a nice and social little extra to be able to roll our own dice in the sofa in front of our screen. Def needs to be optional though, no need to needlessly anger any part of the fanbase who might find this sacrilege.

Last edited by SerraSerra; 15/04/21 09:45 PM.