Originally Posted by footface
Originally Posted by Some_Twerp753
Originally Posted by Leucrotta
The way they are implemented is certainly a bit odd.
It is until you think of the GUI from a coders/presentation perspective.

If you do it 'properly' then for elves (and *only* elves) you would have:

Alternatively, you have:
-Drow 1, Drow 2.

and then somewhere else "Not evil drow" because you need the code flags to be seen for dialogue options. It can't be the relegion flag, because that doesn't exist for anyone but clerics Unless you remove the different flags, and allow you to be an evil drow pretending to be a good drow or vice versa, but that in turn can potentially put strain on writing, especially if you keep doing 'opposite choices' repeatedly.

All of this is more 'unique' coding, more chance for bugs, which means more testing and more potential code-goblins.

*Or* you make drow a 'seperate' race (feeding into one of the creation myths of Drow, and how they've become very different to other elves thematically) and make the different 'types' subraces, allowing a quick, clear display that also follows the structure of other race choices, avoiding potential confusion.


Not only that, but the lolth sworn dialogue I've gotten seems to reference her background, leading me to believe this is a place holder until they impliment backgrounds. If I'm wrong, and it stays this way in the final release, oh well

Swen announced long ago that the background would not matter in the dialogues. At some point you have to say stop.
Include backgrounds in the dialogue would be just too much and as you know neither the budget nor the timetable is not made of rubber.