In an era of D&D where in-universe descriptions of Orcs are considered problematic and WotC will revise material to make their pastiche of Gothic Horror's gypsy stand-ins less stereotypical . What are the chances the big main stream game is going go this deep on race?

There are people who don't even like the word 'race' being used to describe the different...races. I couldn't think of an alternative.

I remember watching a recent review or recap of Baldur's Gate II, which does have gender and race gates, that called it problematic by modern standards, but I don't really know what the general feeling on this is. And to be fair if there's anyone replaying Baldur's Gate today, they're probably modding around that if they want to.

Species? That sounds too broad.

Last edited by Sozz; 20/04/21 12:37 AM.