Originally Posted by RagnarokCzD
Thats how lore is made pal, someone made it up ... and WoC approves it as canon. laugh

Actually, the standing precedent is that video games are considered to be acceptable canon if and only if, when and only when, they do not conflict with or make declarations on material covered by the source books and other official PnP publication material. In places where video games make, do or claim something that is also spoken about in the existing source books, the video games are considered secondary, and are not accurate canon unless they agree with the primary sources.

Drow, Drow society, Lolth and her worship, as of current lore, are defined substantively enough that this game's declarations about marked eyes and such is strictly off-canon, as are their definitions declaring Drow to be racially distinct from elves, (they're not; they're elves), and declaring there to be racially distinct sub-sets of drow. Please, bear in mind: we have literal decades of lore about Drow and Drow society, and the struggles, dangers, prejudices and difficulties that face Drow who do choose to break free from it. Nowhere, in ANY of that, does any element of it EVER point to their eye colour, or make any comment of it being a marker... They aren't writing new lore, they are being disrespectful to existing lore that has a greater precedence, greater wealth of sources, a stronger backing, a longer history and overall far more legitimacy than their game.

Feel free to corect me if im wrong, but Llolth-sworn Drow seem to be to be simply Drow who was born inside society of followers of Llolth ... was raised in her image, and know all thing that such Drow should know ... we can expect that s/he would have Llolth-sworn mentality bcs of those things, but its not a rule, since individuality is still possible.
And s/he have red eyes, since Llolth claimed his soul when s/he was born, as mentioned previously.
No matter if s/he personaly do, or do not trully worship Llolth when adult, and responsible for his own believes.

Then there are Seladine Drow ... wich can be translated as "the others" ... meaning any Drow that was not born into Llolth-sworn society ...
And they do have all other eye collors.

What you're presenting here, if you leave out the utter garbage about Lolth making their eyes red and cliaming their souls, would actually be a quite reasonable depiction of the situation... however, you do have to leave out said utter garbage for it to be reasonable, and even then, the issue is that this is you putting that supposition onto the space, because the game does not do that. They could do that, but they don't. They leave it at "There's two racially distinct species of Drow and one is EVIL and the other is GOOD, and you can TELL beause of their EYES!!" Which, as mentioned, is utterly appalling. If they actually presented it in a way that suggested that what kind of Drow you are or choose to be is not an immutable fact of your physical birth, that would actually help, a lot.

Last edited by Niara; 20/04/21 02:45 PM.