Originally Posted by spectralhunter
Originally Posted by Maximuuus
Because they think 1 action per turn is not enough.
I think they want something more "dynamic" than Solasta.

They failed according to me but I guess that's why they changed a lot of action to bonus action (and create new ones) and/or give us easy advantages.

Wrong answer to an idea that (can) make sense.

The current batch of video games seem to encourage superhero characters. I’m sure the success of the Marvel Cinematic Universe plays a big role in this. Perhaps the popularity of anime is also a factor.

A lot of games now is about the single hero taking on piles of enemies using powerful combo moves that obliterate their opponents. People are getting used to big flashy effects and multiple attacks.

Now people want a group of superheroes and Larian is providing that. Of course that just means, the game will have more unusually powerful enemies and “boss” fights. It’s no longer about a group of adventurers seeking fame and fortune that become greater than the sum of their abilities due to their combined resources.
Marvel being popular doesn't mean players want every game to be Marvel though. Players can also appreciate more down to earth fantasy games. Games need variety. Worst thing that could happen is everything turning into the same because market research says X sells 11% more.