Originally Posted by 1varangian
Marvel being popular doesn't mean players want every game to be Marvel though. Players can also appreciate more down to earth fantasy games. Games need variety. Worst thing that could happen is everything turning into the same because market research says X sells 11% more.

Sure. I'm just saying there's a trend.

Originally Posted by Pandemonica
I mean I get what your saying, but lets be honest here. D&D characters are not "normal" people. Normal people can't cast fireballs, vanish, or have low level super strength. I think it is a little unfair to compare, or to insinuate, Larian is making a "superhero" game and basically tricking people into buying it by saying it is D&D.

As for D&D fans, they are like any other passionate fandom (Star Trek, Star Wars, Tolkien etc) and if something doesn't match 100% to canon, they flip their sh&t and overreact. They would have been comparing this game to POE, KM, Solasta regardless. It is a human tendency to do so to justify their position or beliefs as being "correct". Seriously, this is no different than two people arguing whether or not Han shot first.

D&D itself has followed the trend. I kind of started with 3.5e but it really got more "superheroish" in 4e and now 5e. Magic was actually pretty hard to learn and get way back when. It's just becoming more and more normal for D&D characters to be able to cast spells. I mean practically every subclass can cast spells and all the new ones have magical abilities.

I do think Larian likes flashy, superhero type games. It's why they like giving players a whole bunch of actions per turn. It's to create a character that can perform lots of tricks at once.

And honestly, I don't understand why you continue to passively aggressively bash D&D fans. All that was stated was that certain movies and trends have pushed the genre to a new direction and some agreed with me. If anything, you are the one who seems to go nuts every time someone brings up a point you disagree with. There's no need for that.

Originally Posted by ash elemental
What is D&D realism, though? Realism in a fictional setting is build by using a consistent set of rules (and I don't mean combat mechanics, but laws of your fictional reality), which you then apply to whatever story you create. So if you want to explain why a character cannot jump this high, then you need also to explain how, by the same rules, that giant red dragon is flying by flapping its wings, considering the sheer body size and shape. Why doesn't it look like a pterosaur instead?

What you and GM4Him are talking about is verisimilitude. A character in D&D cannot jump super lengths because the setting decided not to and even created a spell to perform jumping feats. The rules aren't exactly consistent using real physics. That's bringing real life science into a fictional setting. A red dragon can fly with smaller wings because the setting allows it to seem plausible but chose not to make superjump characters normal.

Last edited by spectralhunter; 25/04/21 11:40 PM.