The "politically correct crap" i am referring to is this:
- BG2 had a darker adult theme and larian appear to be attempting to pander to all age groups eg children and teens aswell, this has resulted in watered down non confrontational woke content being written.
- The year is 2021 and political correctness is increasingly ruining entertainment movies and video games. Just look at hollywood to see how crap movies are these days for this very reason. Studios cant do anything anymore that is considered controversial.
- There is an over-representation of diversity and equality in BG3. If studios want to go down this path they have to do it so it is not in your face like it currently is with BG3 otherwise it takes the attention away from the game. For example the last star wars movies where woke disasters but game of thrones pulled the diversity and equality thing of really well. You never had woke garbage in your face in game of thrones like starwars did but they where just as diverse.
ooooooooooooooooh boy. I'm not going to comment on your first two points because there's just so much to unpack in your third point.
- First of all, you're using GoT as an example of success? Really? GoT is widely considered to be absolute trash past season 5. It was good in seasons 1-3, but even still...[see next point]
- Second, most of the main characters in GoT are white (with the lead black actors playing slaves), so it's...uhhh...not really a great example of a show that "pulled the diversity and equality thing off really well."
- Third, Rogue One had a very (one might say "over-") diverse cast and is arguably the best recent Star Wars movie.
- Fourth, Star Wars episodes 8&9 were so bad because of hack writing, not forced-diversity. Take Finn's love interested in ep. 8: that was a bad plot line and detracted from the movie. However, this was clearly because of the forced romance and not diversity. It's the same as in the Hobbit with Legolas's love interest (for which you can't claim forced racial diversity is the problem). In fact, this is more of an example of anti-wokeness in Star Wars, as it was probably added to preclude a relationship between Finn and Rey.
B. You do choose you sexual orientation at game creation go have a look. They do it not so bluntly and the decision you make when you do this will effect romances dialogues. This is plain as day. I dont understand how you are saying this is not the case.
You definitely do not choose your sexual orientation at game creation. You choose a person who attracts you, sure, but this affects absolutely nothing gameplay-wise. There are multiple threads discussing the playersexuality of the companions and how the PC can romance any of them regardless of either character's gender/preferences.
If this is not the case, then please give an example of dialogue that is changed because of this character creation decision.