Thank you, CJMPinger. That is the point I've been trying to make for quite some time. So many are so upset that their characters aren't rock star super models at Level 1. They get upset with D&D 5e because they're like, "I'm supposed to be a rogue so I should have a super huge advantage over my fighter to pick locks." But what they don't realize is at Level 1, nobody has a super huge advantage over anyone else. They have slight advantages over others in their areas of expertise that will increase as time goes on. A Level 5 Rogue is far better at picking locks than a Level 5 Fighter. Level 10 allows for even more of an extreme between the two.

So by NOT implementing the 5e rules right, in order to make people happy and give them more super-hero like characters from the very start, they are dooming the later levels which will then make it harder in the long run. I'm afraid they are going to have to really tank Level 10s so much that they will be even further from 5e rules in the long run, doing things that are so ridiculous that it will be beyond superhero status.

The whole point of D&D is that you are a weakling at Level 1, but by the time you hit Level 10 you really start to become that superhero person. By level 20, you are a god. That's the whole point. But instead, Larian is trying to start people out as superheroes so that by Level 10 they will be gods, and from there...who knows....who knows...