Man, you really have to go out of your way to notice and then come to these forums for the sole purpose of complaining about a complete non issue such as this.

It’s all about respecting developer vision until suddenly it’s not. Or in this case, imposing your thoughts on what you think their vision is...

In this case it’s far more likely Larian had an idea people were going to go for a default set of looks, so they chose something out of the ordinary to force people to play with the character creation tools for testing purposes. And then they ended up being proven right if their Twitter comments about this are any indication.

Threads like this would only really encourage them to keep the default settings as is, purely to spite people like you. No creator hates nothing more than assholes coming in and using their creation as a platform to wage some kind of culture war.

Last edited by Saito Hikari; 08/05/21 05:58 PM.