Originally Posted by Chief_Jericho
Originally Posted by Lethan
Last time I clicked character creator, I got the super model tanned High Elf cleric as the flat default, unless you mean when you click off for <shudders> Human? Clicking other races goes off the previous selection gender.

Example : Origin unlocker mod
Gale selected? Male Custom
Lae'zel selected? Female Custom
etc etc

My gripe with the character creation, are the locked heads to specific race nonsense we currently have. Like you'll pick Seladine Drow but not be allowed some of the Lolth Drow heads, whaaa? What's that about!

The game defaults to a human, black, female cleric, at least for me. The rant the OP alludes to was clearly racist and misandrist and I would ask Larian if this represents the values of their company? But the editor can default to whatever it likes, so long as I have the opportunity to pick the race and colour and species of my choice within the bounds of the lore. Does it matter if it defaults to a black woman? So long as I can switch to a white man or Elf (since the human men faces look really, really bad) to chose then no, it does not. It's not like Larian excluded white men from it so I don't know why anyone is going to get bent out of shape about it defaulting to something other.

I do not know what you are talking about, by default I always have an elf female cleric... I mean after cutscene. And she's not black at all.

I don't speak english well, but I try my best. Ty