Originally Posted by footface
I'm a white guy irl, and the last white guy I made in a character creator was in Skyrim way back when. He was a big, hairy guy, a nord, who was sneaky, adept at magic, AND he had a big glaive. He picked fights with EVERYONE. Every time I'd make my last save for the night, I'd fast travel to Whiterun and murder everyone, just because I could.

I almost played another white guy recently in dnd, but that game fell through before it even started. He was going to be a lawful evil paladin that used to kill peasants for the king. I pictured him to look like Super Man. It's a shame I never got to play him.

They were both violent idiots. And don't get me wrong, violent idiots are a blast, but I like to play other stuff too.

Originally Posted by Machinus
What a ridiculous thing to say. Imagine telling people they need to accept avatars that don't represent their identity. I hope this kind of fanaticism is not widespread at the studio.

idk, dude, branching out is pretty fun, but by all means, play a white guy if you want. Nothing wrong with that, no sir.

Yeah, totally agree. it's boring to play a character that is even remotely similar to who you are irl. lol.

I'm an older bald white guy. I really don't like to play characters that are older bald white guys. In fact, I can't stand the looks of the older bald white guys in the game. Does anyone play them, or are they just there for NPC models? 😄

My first character in BG3 was a blue haired, black skinned half drow cleric male. My next was a Gith with teal hair. After that, a tiefling female rogue with red skin and blue hair and funky tattoos on her face. One of my favorites is a female drow fighter who was my evil character arc. Oh, and I did like my female dwarf wizard with the axe.

Anyway. It may not be true, but I can't help but think of a young kid creating the OP who is here to just get everyone riled up. I've known a few younger people these days who like to do that; sitting on their computer typing racist comments and then laughing when they see all the upset comments flying. I think some of the comments on these threads are just that; someone just posting crap to get people mad and in trouble with the moderators just for a few cheap laughs.

OMG. I sound old. 😳 Did I say Im an older bald white guy, and did I use the phrase, "younger people THESE DAYS"? Aaaaargh!

Well, at least I didn't call the youngins. 😄