Originally Posted by CJMPinger
...Honestly, seeing as how this discussion went, I kinda want to ask what would be considered "acceptable" for Sex Scenes in the game? I don't mean what kind of partners or sexual acts, but more how would people prefer it presented, if it must be presented, other than the "Not at All" side of things cause that does answer itself. Like would people prefer a fade to black, fully animated erotica with anatomically correct organs, foreplay only, fade to black with written description of the actions narrated by the narrator, etc etc?

For me, I'd be fine with a fade to black but I'd like to see the characters to engage with meaningful foreplay, as in foreplay where it is important to the characters and their bond, something that can actually be analyzed from a literary perspective, and then maybe some narration of the important emotional bits, don't really want or need the actual intercourse to be described, just what it means for the characters and their relationship.

I personally like the idea of it being text based with some narration, I believe there's already a element of that in the EA. But I've also played games where the "sex scenes" are treated more as an obligatory value-add, that made me just want to skip through it, I'm thinking ME:Andromeda, a game I never cared to play through more than once and whose characters I struggled to connect with (with no help from Ryder's acting). So I understand people who are taken out by a clunkily written and awkward interaction they don't feel the game earned, if they get a fade-to-black option, fine.

Edit: that said if Larian actually adds character choices during the scenes, that add to your and your companions characterization, and carry through to the rest of the game; first, great; second, you can't leave that stuff in an option section.

Last edited by Sozz; 10/05/21 09:02 PM.