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Originally Posted by Ragnarök
Originally Posted by Nyloth
First, blood and murder - this is already adult content. For images of blood, organs (the brain from the first scene), the game already increases rating. Secondly, if you are talking about sex, then Lae and Astarion scene still being worked on, I assume that they will have cutscenes similar to Minthara scene. Does that seem to be enough? This is not a porn game, you don't have to wait for a porn scene every few minutes or rude expressions like in Cyberpunk.

To be honest this is why I don't really like CD Projekt works. It is not necessary to make everything vulgar.

You are talking about gore mainly, not sex. Sex isn't vulgar, it's part of everyone's life and quite beautiful (or not if you belong to the approximately 2 % of asexuals). I don't want a sex scene on every corner, Witcher wasn't like that at all and I'm clearly not talking about silly porn games. Let's be reasonable here. CD Projekt did an excellent job on Witcher 3, they messed up with Cyberpunk. Check the sales of Witcher 3. You simply can't debate the overwhelming success. I very much enjoyed Witcher 3 and so did Millions! Nudity and adult content made up a significant part of this success story. There isn't a single scene in Witcher, which I consider to be vulgar except for the whore scenes. That's just low, but it's ok that these are in the game for those, who want it.

About The Witcher 3 ... Every NPC girl treats the main character as if he is the center of the planet, everyone wanted him and made it clear. I'm not talking about 18+ scenes right now, I'm just talking about what it looks like. It's bad. It was unpleasant for me to see that even a random merchant for some reason want this man-mutant who is described as something.. bad. In the book ofc...

Originally Posted by Aishaddai
To me the game is not dark or adult. Their are some society themes, but I don't by default consider them mature. The quality in writing has more to do with maturity than anything.

A kid can bleed and fight in school from bullies and will always find porn around puberty whether you like it or not. Not to mention, at least when I was in school, biology classes start early and are mandatory. Its how things are handled that marks maturity. I think the same concept can be applied to stories. It's not the theme, but how an individual handles the theme.

As for sex, lets not pretend Laezel and especially Minthara are options for normal straight dudes. They are both specific niche fetish's. So let's not go there. Only Shadowheart so far is an option and she is not a swiss army knive of romance. Lol. Not that I'd want her to be.

In highschool I use to tutor at a couple of schools. The elementary schools kids were nastier and more knowledge-able than most adults, but lacked understanding in how to handle most things. Oftentimes I find older people the same way. Only difference is school is now Company or Firm and people are a lot less brave.

I understand what you say about Lae, but I don't understand what's specific in Minthara. Apparently, she already has a fanclub. If she doesn't suit you as a person, it doesn't mean that there is something repulsive about her appearance.

It is not necessary to add sex to every romance. I think a romantic moment like Shadow's kiss really for her personality, and there's nothing wrong with that. Game still has enough sex, violence, and blood.

I don't speak english well, but I try my best. Ty
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I don't know why every RPG has to have a companion dating sim component.

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Originally Posted by Nyloth
About The Witcher 3 ... Every NPC girl treats the main character as if he is the center of the planet, everyone wanted him and made it clear. I'm not talking about 18+ scenes right now, I'm just talking about what it looks like. It's bad. It was unpleasant for me to see that even a random merchant for some reason want this man-mutant who is described as something.. bad. In the book ofc...

Gotta disagree with you there Nyloth, there is a crap load of women that you interact with in W3 that despise Geralt, or are disgusted by him for being a mutant. Besides maybe in taverns, brothels, and women he rescues or protects. But he is not like James Bond where every woman he meets in game has an exploding uterus and just wants to jump him. Well besides sorceresses, besides Philippa I think he has had sex with all of them.

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Originally Posted by Nyloth
Originally Posted by Ragnarök
Originally Posted by Nyloth
First, blood and murder - this is already adult content. For images of blood, organs (the brain from the first scene), the game already increases rating. Secondly, if you are talking about sex, then Lae and Astarion scene still being worked on, I assume that they will have cutscenes similar to Minthara scene. Does that seem to be enough? This is not a porn game, you don't have to wait for a porn scene every few minutes or rude expressions like in Cyberpunk.

To be honest this is why I don't really like CD Projekt works. It is not necessary to make everything vulgar.

You are talking about gore mainly, not sex. Sex isn't vulgar, it's part of everyone's life and quite beautiful (or not if you belong to the approximately 2 % of asexuals). I don't want a sex scene on every corner, Witcher wasn't like that at all and I'm clearly not talking about silly porn games. Let's be reasonable here. CD Projekt did an excellent job on Witcher 3, they messed up with Cyberpunk. Check the sales of Witcher 3. You simply can't debate the overwhelming success. I very much enjoyed Witcher 3 and so did Millions! Nudity and adult content made up a significant part of this success story. There isn't a single scene in Witcher, which I consider to be vulgar except for the whore scenes. That's just low, but it's ok that these are in the game for those, who want it.

About The Witcher 3 ... Every NPC girl treats the main character as if he is the center of the planet, everyone wanted him and made it clear. I'm not talking about 18+ scenes right now, I'm just talking about what it looks like. It's bad. It was unpleasant for me to see that even a random merchant for some reason want this man-mutant who is described as something.. bad. In the book ofc...

I understand what you say about Lae, but I don't understand what's specific in Minthara. Apparently, she already has a fanclub. If she doesn't suit you as a person, it doesn't mean that there is something repulsive about her appearance.

It is not necessary to add sex to every romance. I think a romantic moment like Shadow's kiss really for her personality, and there's nothing wrong with that. Game still has enough sex, violence, and blood.

Your statement about Geralt is fairly reasonable, but it’s your personal opinion. He is a special guy, with this aura of dangerousness about him, having a trained fit body and the many scars might add to this, too and having a quite unique personality and being intelligent on top. So there are surely a lot of women who find him to be attractive, despite him being an unfertile mutant with white hair and yellow eyes - not every woman of course. Maybe the figure of Geralt being unfertile even adds to the willingness of some women being open to a short-lived sexual encounter with him, since they don’t have to worry about an unwanted pregnancy. I mean there are situations in rl, too, f.e. after a broken long term relationship, where you aren’t open for another real love and to settle down or start a family right away, but instead just want to enjoy single life for some time. Geralt in general isn’t the type to settle down with anyway. So I don’t share your perspective here, that Witcher 3 in general exaggerated short-lived sexual encounters. These exist in real life, too, and in my opinion they did a good job incorporating these into the game in a reasonable way. For me it enriched the overall gaming experience. As a sidenote rejections to Geralt's flirty advances also happen in Witcher 3.
Also the Netflix series Witcher which casted Henry Cavill, who is doing an excellent job in portraying Geralt, shows that Geralt actually is considered to be attractive for many women. Other women might find him disgusting, which is ok, too of course.

I can’t answer for @Aishaddai. I just can add my 2 cents.
Most men take the looks of a person as entrance ticket, while the personality of that person decides, if you want to stay or leave eventually. Personal tastes are different and vary greatly. Still most won’t consider Giths or Tieflings to be attractive. Minthara is only for those, who take the “evil” path, which excludes her for many to begin with. And still the racial features of drow might not be considered to be attractive, too, by some. This has got nothing to do with racism, it’s just personal taste. If you have a weakness for white redheads or Asian women or Latinas or whatever else for example, you might not consider Minthara to be attractive. This is just an example. So for most straight dudes with a more “common” taste, Shadowheart is the only option so far and maybe even just the lesser evil, if you want to enjoy a heterosexual romance during your play through. This is quite underwhelming so far for a game like BG3, which is supposed to be the next big AAA rpg game, I think.

This whole thread is meant as constructive criticism by the way, because I enjoyed BG3 so far very much, I just missed some more options for players with a more “common” taste and spoke about my fear, that there might be too much censorship concerning the display of nudity or sexual acts, which are part of the game. Again I’m clearly not suggesting hardcore scenes or porn-like stuff. That’s why I referred to CD Projekt Red’s Witcher 3, which did it just about right in my opinion. For you they overdid it, that’s perfectly ok, many others, including myself, were happy about the way CD Projekt Red managed this. I just hope, that Larian will find a good balance, too, concerning adult content.

Originally Posted by dwig
I don't know why every RPG has to have a companion dating sim component.

Because it became a standard many years ago, that some npcs in rpgs are romanceable and the overall majority of players enjoy and appreciate this.

Last edited by Ragnarök; 04/05/21 07:26 PM.
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@Nyloth fetish's by nature have fan clubs so I don't know what your point is on that. What traits do you think a guy would want that Minthara has? A voice that sounds like 20 years of smoking with a dom attitude? Not even loyal in most cases. That's a specific fetish. Not trying to jump on you. This is just the blunt answer to save you some time and cut out the bs.

Personally I enjoy personality more than physicality, though if she looks rough I'll lose interest no question, in rpg's and Laezel and Minthara are not desirable. Shadowheart is just ok. Laezel at least has potential compared to Minthara, but I really doubt Larian will take her in the direction I'd like. I like Laezel to be part of the unification faction of gith or just a rebel against lich girl. Though for the latter, if ever, it would be an ending rather than a current state of being knowing Larian which would defeat the point for me. Larian is too big on dom and submissiveness so I don't even bother. I'm more of an assertive kind of guy.

The journey is the cake and the ending is the chery on top. I like journeys to be fun and not wait for an ending paragraph and picture saying "their better now, the end".

Oh and for sex scenes a fade to black is good enough for me. Maybe light scenes like DA Origins. More than that is not necessary for me personally.

Last edited by Aishaddai; 04/05/21 07:34 PM.
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Originally Posted by Ragnarök
Originally Posted by dwig
I don't know why every RPG has to have a companion dating sim component.

Because it became a standard many years ago, that some npcs in rpgs are romanceable and the overall majority of players enjoy and appreciate this.

Its fine when it is done well. However, when it is a required part of every RPG then it becomes something that is often NOT done well. For that reason I would rather it just be left out most of the time. The scene at the party where you finally get with a companion is utter cringe and the game would definitely be better without it.

Put in the time to do it right or don't do it at all. Don't just put in a bad scene so that you can advertise romanceable companions.

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Honestly, just do without sex in the game. You might appeal to more audiences if you avoid it. I almost didn't buy the game because it was advertised as having it.

Either that or make it less blatant. If players want to pursue naughty scenes, make it so THEY have to pursue it, not characters soliciting the main.

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Romance, love and sex are all part of the human experience, so of course they are part of our fantasy stories as well. By leaving them out, you'd leave out an important narrative element in a story. That's not to say it can't be done, and done well (Lord of the Rings is one of the greatest fantasy stories ever written, and it's centered on friendship not romance, its romantic subplots are off on the sidelines). But I for one enjoy the romantic element in RPGs like this, because when you're in an extraordinary situation with extraordinary characters, it's only natural your character may be attracted to one of the people you're adventuring with, and it's natural for a story to want to explore that aspect. It makes me feel more involved in the story.

Originally Posted by dwig
Put in the time to do it right or don't do it at all. Don't just put in a bad scene so that you can advertise romanceable companions.

Why is it a bad scene? We only have the companion conversations at the moment, not even any of the companion sex scenes.

For me, the party fling makes sense story-wise. These people have been implanted with an alien tadpole against their will, have been through hell and back (literally), have been thrown together into an extraordinary situation, and haven't had a moment's rest from all the fighting. Finally, something goes right for them, they save a bunch of people, and get to unwind and forget their problems just for a night in a nice atmosphere. Well OF COURSE some of them are horny. :P Sex is, after all, a natural human behaviour, the party is a good excuse to explore that as part of the story, and each of the companions' scenes reveals something about them as well.

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Originally Posted by Alexandrite
Originally Posted by dwig
Put in the time to do it right or don't do it at all. Don't just put in a bad scene so that you can advertise romanceable companions.

Why is it a bad scene? We only have the companion conversations at the moment, not even any of the companion sex scenes.

For me, the party fling makes sense story-wise. These people have been implanted with an alien tadpole against their will, have been through hell and back (literally), have been thrown together into an extraordinary situation, and haven't had a moment's rest from all the fighting. Finally, something goes right for them, they save a bunch of people, and get to unwind and forget their problems just for a night in a nice atmosphere. Well OF COURSE some of them are horny. :P Sex is, after all, a natural human behaviour, the party is a good excuse to explore that as part of the story, and each of the companions' scenes reveals something about them as well.

In theory, it does make sense story wise. However, the presentation is poor. They all focus on trying to get with me. It would make sense if some were interested in me and others were interested in each other instead. At the very least, some basic flirting should be required (and if it is NOT done then they will mercifully leave you alone). The party as it is serves as a very stark reminder that I am playing a video game rather than interacting with real people.

This also ties into the fact that I dislike player-sexual companions in general.

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Originally Posted by dwig
It would make sense if some were interested in me and others were interested in each other instead.

Well, you are the player, the hero of the story, so of course they're all interested in you - well, depending on their reputation. Not all of them were interested in me in my playthroughs.
And Lae'zel happily goes off with either Wyll or Astarion (depending on who you're romancing). Although she is not too happy about Wyll afterwards. haha!

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Originally Posted by GM4Him
Honestly, just do without sex in the game. You might appeal to more audiences if you avoid it. I almost didn't buy the game because it was advertised as having it.

Either that or make it less blatant. If players want to pursue naughty scenes, make it so THEY have to pursue it, not characters soliciting the main.

Trust me, you are the minority audience when it comes to this stuff. It is widely, WIDELY wanted in a RPG to have romances and romance scenes. No one forces you to participate in it, you can easily choose not to accept it.

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Romance is not sex. I like a video game with romance, but I like a Revan/ Bastilla romance from KOTOR, not a porno Shades of Grey sex nastiness. BG1 and 2 did it tastefully. Other video games in the genre do too. So should BG3.

And just because sex sells doesn't mean it is the only audience. I know plenty of people who would play more games like BG3 if they weren't nasty. Not all Christians are fantasy haters, but people like me have spouses, and we don't want or need this in a game and neither do our spouses.

That said. I get that sex sells. Im just saying that it shouldn't be so in people's faces with characters soliciting you, ALL of them, during a celebration event even when it doesn't make sense.

I'm just saying let the player pursue and don't throw it in our faces. If you want naughtiness and the devs are willing to give it to you, that's all you. I just don't like it especially when it is so in your face.

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Originally Posted by GM4Him
Romance is not sex. I like a video game with romance, but I like a Revan/ Bastilla romance from KOTOR, not a porno Shades of Grey sex nastiness. BG1 and 2 did it tastefully. Other video games in the genre do too. So should BG3.

And just because sex sells doesn't mean it is the only audience. I know plenty of people who would play more games like BG3 if they weren't nasty. Not all Christians are fantasy haters, but people like me have spouses, and we don't want or need this in a game and neither do our spouses.

That said. I get that sex sells. Im just saying that it shouldn't be so in people's faces with characters soliciting you, ALL of them, during a celebration event even when it doesn't make sense.

I'm just saying let the player pursue and don't throw it in our faces. If you want naughtiness and the devs are willing to give it to you, that's all you. I just don't like it especially when it is so in your face.

Oh I agree the way it was implemented with basically every companion wanting to jump you at the party is ham fisted, and just plain bad writing and character development. I mean there was such drama with the Leliana/Morrigan in DA:O it was awesome how that all came about in that game. I am more for the Warden/Morrigan romance, but the Bastilla one was epic in KOTOR. In BG3 I think that whole thing at the party is just straight up removed for quality control purposes. I just don't have a issue with a game rated for 18+ having a saucier sex scene.

Last edited by Pandemonica; 04/05/21 11:59 PM.
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Originally Posted by RagnarokCzD
Originally Posted by fallenj
Actually the only area in the game that seems relatively dark is the first couple rooms in the intro. The rest of the game came off as PG13 (haven't fully done swamp or touched underdark).

I was actually thinking the game would be more of how that was before I picked it up.
You didnt visited Goblin camp yet, did you?

I did, just a munch of destroyed junk.

edit* now that I think of it, there was the whole gnoll cut scene and area.

Last edited by fallenj; 05/05/21 12:05 AM.
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Originally Posted by Aishaddai
@Nyloth fetish's by nature have fan clubs so I don't know what your point is on that. What traits do you think a guy would want that Minthara has? A voice that sounds like 20 years of smoking with a dom attitude? Not even loyal in most cases. That's a specific fetish. Not trying to jump on you. This is just the blunt answer to save you some time and cut out the bs.

Personally I enjoy personality more than physicality, though if she looks rough I'll lose interest no question, in rpg's and Laezel and Minthara are not desirable. Shadowheart is just ok. Laezel at least has potential compared to Minthara, but I really doubt Larian will take her in the direction I'd like. I like Laezel to be part of the unification faction of gith or just a rebel against lich girl. Though for the latter, if ever, it would be an ending rather than a current state of being knowing Larian which would defeat the point for me. Larian is too big on dom and submissiveness so I don't even bother. I'm more of an assertive kind of guy.

The journey is the cake and the ending is the chery on top. I like journeys to be fun and not wait for an ending paragraph and picture saying "their better now, the end".

Oh and for sex scenes a fade to black is good enough for me. Maybe light scenes like DA Origins. More than that is not necessary for me personally.

But it is not specific, it is more a matter of taste. I mean, Lae's face is literally alien, and it can really be a kind of "fetish", but I won't say that about Minthara. Do you guys call a girl a "fetish" just because she has a rough voice? Rude.

Anyway, I'm sure Larian will still add interesting female companions.

I don't speak english well, but I try my best. Ty
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I've played games with naughty content in the game, but I won't play one where the sex stuff is too in your face. So far, at least they give you a choice. At least they don't just throw naked characters at me. I sincerely hope they keep it that way for the rest of the game. I can even handle them keeping the celebration scene stuff, though I do think it is too forced and completely NOT romantic. It is just like, "Let's throw in sex scenes just to throw them in." No teasing or flirting or anything.

Jeez. If I was into sex scenes in games I'd be very disappointed. There isn't even foreplay. It's just, "Hey. Wanna do it?"

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Originally Posted by fallenj
Originally Posted by RagnarokCzD
Originally Posted by fallenj
Actually the only area in the game that seems relatively dark is the first couple rooms in the intro. The rest of the game came off as PG13 (haven't fully done swamp or touched underdark).

I was actually thinking the game would be more of how that was before I picked it up.
You didnt visited Goblin camp yet, did you?

I did, just a munch of destroyed junk.

edit* now that I think of it, there was the whole gnoll cut scene and area.

There are a lot of dead bodies, goblins eating dead adventurers, goblin children kicking a dead body (and I THINK you can kill those kids), the whole kicking people into a spider pit, animal cruelty with the owlbear cub, slavery, torture, and in general things that would keep the game's rating Mature and other area's equivalents of Mature.

With the Gnoll, if you got the symbol of the absolute you can make her eat the Zhents, eat her own pack, and then make her eat herself (though due to my like of gnolls I'd rather somehow recruit her with the tadpole).

You can doublecross the Zhentarim which actually leads to the guy you are doublecrossing them with being captured, tortured, and then executed.

You can pick the evil side and slaughter the tieflings. You can also murder people and then try to speak with their corpses.

And worst of all, you can be a dick to the dog.

Overall there are fairly dark and bloody parts of the game. Further on in the swamp there is the Hag which is a very typical hag with her basement of people she has "helped".

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Originally Posted by Nyloth
Originally Posted by Aishaddai
@Nyloth fetish's by nature have fan clubs so I don't know what your point is on that. What traits do you think a guy would want that Minthara has? A voice that sounds like 20 years of smoking with a dom attitude? Not even loyal in most cases. That's a specific fetish. Not trying to jump on you. This is just the blunt answer to save you some time and cut out the bs.

Personally I enjoy personality more than physicality, though if she looks rough I'll lose interest no question, in rpg's and Laezel and Minthara are not desirable. Shadowheart is just ok. Laezel at least has potential compared to Minthara, but I really doubt Larian will take her in the direction I'd like. I like Laezel to be part of the unification faction of gith or just a rebel against lich girl. Though for the latter, if ever, it would be an ending rather than a current state of being knowing Larian which would defeat the point for me. Larian is too big on dom and submissiveness so I don't even bother. I'm more of an assertive kind of guy.

The journey is the cake and the ending is the chery on top. I like journeys to be fun and not wait for an ending paragraph and picture saying "their better now, the end".

Oh and for sex scenes a fade to black is good enough for me. Maybe light scenes like DA Origins. More than that is not necessary for me personally.

But it is not specific, it is more a matter of taste. I mean, Lae's face is literally alien, and it can really be a kind of "fetish", but I won't say that about Minthara. Do you guys call a girl a "fetish" just because she has a rough voice? Rude.

Anyway, I'm sure Larian will still add interesting female companions.

I feel like you are just skimming what I type. So I'll just leave it at that.

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Originally Posted by GM4Him
I can even handle them keeping the celebration scene stuff, though I do think it is too forced and completely NOT romantic. It is just like, "Let's throw in sex scenes just to throw them in." No teasing or flirting or anything.

Jeez. If I was into sex scenes in games I'd be very disappointed. There isn't even foreplay. It's just, "Hey. Wanna do it?"

I haven't played through all of the romances. I can't trigger gales. I've triggered Laezels, buy haven't followed through. I don't care about Wyll.

Shadowhearts romance is great. I love the fact that you can only go so far as a kiss. It's a nice departure from typical game to that go from zero to sex. I found the whole scene very sweet.

Then you have Astarion and Laezel, who proposition you for casual sex. Seems in line for the characters, and the timing seems right.

With Wyll, your character seems to be the one to bring up sex, and yes, it does seem very direct. Like I've said, I haven't tried Wyll, but that's the way it seems.

Idk what you mean about things being unflirty. Laezel is the only one who's like "let's fuck NOW.". Shadowhearts scene is filled with tender moments and subtext, and Astarions scene has a TON of flirting. As for the foreplay, that scene is under construction. We'll have to see how it plays out in the final game

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Originally Posted by footface
Originally Posted by GM4Him
I can even handle them keeping the celebration scene stuff, though I do think it is too forced and completely NOT romantic. It is just like, "Let's throw in sex scenes just to throw them in." No teasing or flirting or anything.

Jeez. If I was into sex scenes in games I'd be very disappointed. There isn't even foreplay. It's just, "Hey. Wanna do it?"

I haven't played through all of the romances. I can't trigger gales. I've triggered Laezels, buy haven't followed through. I don't care about Wyll.

Shadowhearts romance is great. I love the fact that you can only go so far as a kiss. It's a nice departure from typical game to that go from zero to sex. I found the whole scene very sweet.

Then you have Astarion and Laezel, who proposition you for casual sex. Seems in line for the characters, and the timing seems right.

With Wyll, your character seems to be the one to bring up sex, and yes, it does seem very direct. Like I've said, I haven't tried Wyll, but that's the way it seems.

Idk what you mean about things being unflirty. Laezel is the only one who's like "let's fuck NOW.". Shadowhearts scene is filled with tender moments and subtext, and Astarions scene has a TON of flirting. As for the foreplay, that scene is under construction. We'll have to see how it plays out in the final game

Even for Laezel it kinda makes sense, for she would have a gith view on sex it it may just be that casual and direct for them. I think when other companions are added, the more good and neutral ones, things will balance out and the writing will hopefully get a bit more balanced.

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