Originally Posted by Reckem
Originally Posted by mrfuji3
It gets ridiculous later on. Once you take out the Goblin bosses, two of which have half a dozen support characters in them, one of which has two but also a patroller minor boss who turns up at the worst time,

Maybe it is because of different options that I chose but when I encounter Priestess Gut she ends up taking me prisoner and then while we are alone and I am being interrogated some dwarf comes up because her and slits her throat and kills her ogre bodyguard. One boss down and I didnt have to do anything. Minthara is all by herself and gets steamrolled. Guiding Bolt, Lae'Zel 2x attk using action surge, My Warlock using Eldritch Blast, Gale using a lvl 2 version of Magic Missile ( garunteed hit ). Draz'gol was the only real fight for me. I just had to make sure that my backs were against walls and when they ( which was not that often ) made the bad decision to position themselves with the spider pit behind them I used a knockback attack to send them to their doom. I am playing all my games Ironman style just to test how far can you get with the different classes and what challenges each face.

Originally Posted by mrfuji3
but outside in the Goblin camp there are thirteen - 13! - Gobilns and something bears (sorry, can't remember their name), two of which are spellcasters with one-shot-prone spells, one Worg (minus the summons), and a Troll you have to fight.

Huh.... I have never come across a troll... guess I need to do some more exploring... I know there is an ogre that guards the door to the temple and a couple of hobgoblins.

Originally Posted by mrfuji3
If you consider that bad enough then try it with a spell caster who can only access a single rank 2 spell, falls asleep whenever sleep spells hit him, and can only use his ranked spells once in battle, along with melee characters that miss more than they hit. To make matters worse, it's impossible to sneak back in through the main entrance because a Goblin has line of sight covering the path you need to cross to get to the door, and despite searching all over, I couldn't find an alternative.

The encounter is not survivable with the available armour, the only way to do it is an extroinarily long, attractional battle on the bridge, or call in Troll support but given they cost 500 gold a battle, you won't be able to afford them for the three battles you ideally need them for. If your character had better gear, and the game had a viable spell casting system, and you hit more than you missed, you'd still struggle against those odds, and the game has none of that currently.

It does seem silly that you can not just charge in to a Goblin Base full of Goblins and just hack and slash your way to victory like Diablo 3. The fact that we are being forced to use tactics and intelligence is something that needs to be addressed. We should just be able to put our faces on the keyboard and roll it back and forth in every combat scenario.

Ok, I suck at sarcasm.... I for one am enjoying the fact that this game makes you think much like it's tabletop compatriot. Every encounter is beatable unless you try to sprint straight for the Goblin Camp, skipping the Druids entirely, right from the start.
For the record, all of these quotes you attributed to me are actually from Chief_Jericho.

I agree with you that having tactics in BG3 is good; I don't want BG3 to be a hack and slash game. In fact, I'd take it even further: not every encounter you find should be beatable. It'd be great if there were some (optional) fights that were too hard when you first encounter them, requiring you to sneak past/otherwise avoid the encounter until you can come back later at a higher level.

The Priestess Gut encounter is the one of the best examples of "fun failure" in BG3 and I would love to see more of it throughout the game.