Joined: Sep 2017
Another week of no news. We are headed toward 90 days soon, the longest between any patch.
Joined: Apr 2021
Well I hope they bring big changes that are good and game changing such as dnd mode, then it will be worth the wait.
old hand
old hand
Joined: Oct 2020
Well I hope they bring big changes that are good and game changing such as dnd mode, then it will be worth the wait. We can hope, but... I am not so sure about that.
Joined: Mar 2021
Anyone else notice that Larian changed their Twitter headline to "Larian Studios, nuanced dungeon master". Do you think it means anything?
Joined: Oct 2020
Anyone else notice that Larian changed their Twitter headline to "Larian Studios, nuanced dungeon master". Do you think it means anything? They had that since hotfix #10, where they said, quote, 'We've made nuanced changes to the loaded dice...' , so I think its just a joke.
Joined: Oct 2020
Well I hope they bring big changes that are good and game changing such as dnd mode, then it will be worth the wait. don't expect too much or you will be disappointed
I don't speak english well, but I try my best. Ty
Joined: Jul 2014
Hey, I expect nothing and I'm still ready to be disappointed anyway. Beta part 2 had a big surprise for me - there are a lot more lines voice acted now. Considering WotR is several degrees larger and with way more dialogue than most cRPGs save for Kingmaker, that's a tremendous amount of effort. It's so noticeable and there is SO MUCH MORE of it voice acted right now, that I'm honestly starting to wonder why not to go the extra mile and make the entire game voiced. I know they already said it would cost too much for them and I know paying voice actors is expensive in general, but I can't help but wonder if it wouldn't be worth at this point, with them already basically being half the way there. It's not even an increase in costs that comes without a payoff on its own, after all. Fully voiced games are far more likely to be picked and played by streamers these days (because let's face it, no matter how motivated and "fine with reading" someone can be, when you are basically expected to read any single line of dialogue to your audience it's shit that gets tiring very fast) and with some random luck involved the right streamers playing your game can even increase sales significantly. It will also make the inevitable late console port far easier to market. Traditional computer RPGs are never big sellers in their console version in general, but the ones that aren't even fully voiced are pretty much no-starters-
Last edited by Tuco; 13/05/21 07:19 PM.
Joined: Oct 2020
I am excited for the next patch! Even if the things I wish for most are not in the upcoming patch, there is always the patch after that.  There most likely will at least be a new class, which I will have fun playing.
Last edited by Icelyn; 14/05/21 01:05 AM.
Joined: Oct 2020
In all reality, all I want is to finally be able to progress past lvl 4. I have reached the "bored from repetition" stage and basically just keep checking in from time to time with fingers crossed. Any word or rumors of an ETA for this yet?
Joined: Sep 2017
In all reality, all I want is to finally be able to progress past lvl 4. I have reached the "bored from repetition" stage and basically just keep checking in from time to time with fingers crossed. Any word or rumors of an ETA for this yet? Last update with the Hotfix #11 said they will be back soon*** with a community update. Meanwhile, it is going on the longest gap between patches but we had to have 11-and-counting hotfixes for Patch 4 with still plenty of bugs. At this point, who knows.
old hand
old hand
Joined: Nov 2020
There are now two Patch 5's in the Steam database, EA Patch 5 and Main Patch 5. Larian's just messing with us at this point. 
Joined: Apr 2021
There are now two Patch 5's in the Steam database, EA Patch 5 and Main Patch 5. Larian's just messing with us at this point.  I know! I wonder which Patch 5 will win?! :P
Joined: Apr 2020
Maybe they are saving for E3
old hand
old hand
Joined: Dec 2020
Yeah, at this point it sounds more like they're just going to shadowdrop the patch immediately after some kind of presentation (most likely E3), and it's definitely not going to be this month. I remember the rage over the launch of the previous patch, particularly over everyone's differing definitions of the word 'soon' (although there was a near universal agreement that 'soon' being more than a week is pretty out there).
On the bright side, for those of you who have Gamepass, it turns out Solasta is going to be available there during the full launch next Thursday too. You can pass the time with that. :P
Last edited by Saito Hikari; 19/05/21 05:15 AM.
Joined: Mar 2021
Yeah, at this point it sounds more like they're just going to shadowdrop the patch immediately after some kind of presentation (most likely E3), and it's definitely not going to be this month. I remember the rage over the launch of the previous patch, particularly over everyone's differing definitions of the word 'soon' (although there was a near universal agreement that 'soon' being more than a week is pretty out there).
On the bright side, for those of you who have Gamepass, it turns out Solasta is going to be available there during the full launch next Thursday too. You can pass the time with that. :P Having played Solasta I can now say its absolute trash. The camera controls alone are shameful. The story is absolute nonsense. Its linear. The Music is clearly public domain or ripped off from other games. It has no multiplayer. The game graphics are basic. The controls are non-intuitive. Its absolutely shocking to me that anyone has the audacity to mention that game in the same breath as BG3 and not feel shame. Yuck. I am going to play it for as long as I can stand it and make notes on what an awful game it is. But hey, maybe they did a good job on reactions. I am sure that makes up for the terribleness of every other aspect of it. Edit: Oh look at that, and my save file was corrupted when I tried to load the game just now. Requesting refund.
Last edited by Blackheifer; 19/05/21 06:06 AM.
Joined: Jan 2021
BTW when you uninstall, you get a nice survey to inform them of the multiple reasons why.
Perhaps 'poor update communication' should be on the list.
old hand
old hand
Joined: Nov 2020
Yeah, at this point it sounds more like they're just going to shadowdrop the patch immediately after some kind of presentation (most likely E3), and it's definitely not going to be this month. I remember the rage over the launch of the previous patch, particularly over everyone's differing definitions of the word 'soon' (although there was a near universal agreement that 'soon' being more than a week is pretty out there).
On the bright side, for those of you who have Gamepass, it turns out Solasta is going to be available there during the full launch next Thursday too. You can pass the time with that. :P Having played Solasta I can now say its absolute trash. The camera controls alone are shameful. The story is absolute nonsense. Its linear. The Music is clearly public domain or ripped off from other games. It has no multiplayer. The game graphics are basic. The controls are non-intuitive. Its absolutely shocking to me that anyone has the audacity to mention that game in the same breath as BG3 and not feel shame. Yuck. I am going to play it for as long as I can stand it and make notes on what an awful game it is. But hey, maybe they did a good job on reactions. I am sure that makes up for the terribleness of every other aspect of it. It is mentioned cause it went out to achieve the same thing, implementing the 5e ruleset as a videogame, and from people have said, it seems it has succeeded on that front. People keep mentioning how BG3 mechanics should be more like Solasta's, indicating in spite of the things you mentioned, it is doing game mechanics part right. BG3 however, for most, seems to do presentation right and while the current characters are divisive, the story is considered interesting enough with its initial hook. I forget where I read it, but a user commented that if BG3's presentation and Solasta's mechanics combined, that would be the best DnD game ever. That is why people keep mentioning it, that said, this is all second hand knowledge based on comments.
Joined: Feb 2020
Yeah, at this point it sounds more like they're just going to shadowdrop the patch immediately after some kind of presentation (most likely E3), and it's definitely not going to be this month. I remember the rage over the launch of the previous patch, particularly over everyone's differing definitions of the word 'soon' (although there was a near universal agreement that 'soon' being more than a week is pretty out there).
On the bright side, for those of you who have Gamepass, it turns out Solasta is going to be available there during the full launch next Thursday too. You can pass the time with that. :P Having played Solasta I can now say its absolute trash. The camera controls alone are shameful. The story is absolute nonsense. Its linear. The Music is clearly public domain or ripped off from other games. It has no multiplayer. The game graphics are basic. The controls are non-intuitive. Its absolutely shocking to me that anyone has the audacity to mention that game in the same breath as BG3 and not feel shame. Yuck. I am going to play it for as long as I can stand it and make notes on what an awful game it is. But hey, maybe they did a good job on reactions. I am sure that makes up for the terribleness of every other aspect of it. 20 developpers  The control non intuitive, the shamefull camera control... don't make me laugh, if it's not good (it is), it's even worse in BG3. So are the musics but it's only a matter of taste. I find them way more epic and engaging but I admit that I'm not a huge fan of Borislav. No one has ever claimed that the story is very deep/interresting in Solasta or that the graphics are awesome. Usually that's exactly why players loves BG3 better. But when it comes to combatd... BG3 looks like a brainless tactical game for children.
Last edited by Maximuuus; 19/05/21 06:13 AM.
old hand
old hand
Joined: Nov 2020
BTW when you uninstall, you get a nice survey to inform them of the multiple reasons why.
Perhaps 'poor update communication' should be on the list. I haven't ever uninstalled, can you tell me and anyone else who is curious (but not curious enough to uninstall) what options are listed? And is there an OTHER option where you can write the reason?
Joined: Feb 2020