Originally Posted by timebean
I would very much like to see the system be MORE challenging than it is now (not less).

The issue isn't that it's challenging, the issue is the inconsistency. That you can have bless, be on high ground, still only have a 60% chance to hit and still end up missing whilst the AI misses once a blue moon. The issue is with the numbers being incorrectly displayed. With having an 60% chance and missing 19 times out of 20 which is in actual fact 5% chance to hit. That's not a question of challenging, if they say the game is all about positioning, buffs and debuffs, you use all of those and you still miss then there' s a problem with the game communicating what's going on with you the player. Combat in this game as it stands right now in EA involves my sitting there constantly reloading so that at least one party member hits in that round, only for the game to crash, and then what feels like an take an hour to reload. There is no fun to be had in such a system.

Originally Posted by Blackheifer
[color:#3333FF]Can you post your build? Attribute scores and all? This seems very off.

No because it happens on all characters regardless of class or gear or level. I've done extensive testing. I've been hammering the hell out of the combat system to test if it was just me and it's not. There is a disconnect between what the AI's percentage of hits are and what the players is, a disconnect so great that this game is going to be a critical failure if it launches with it. As I put in my last reply, the game tells me it's a 60% chance to hit but thorough testing proves those numbers are bunk and the combat system's code needs looking at to find out why those numbers are bunk. It isn't an isolated incident, in most rounds you will have two or three characters miss, something that's almost unheared of for the AI no matter what buffs your party has.

In one fight earlier today the enemy was lying prone, had Bane and true strike on it, my party had bless and was on an elevated platform two level above it and still it only had a 60% chance to hit, yet not a single character could hit it with a bow, despite that character being inside the bow's primary range no matter how many times I reloaded the game. They had a 100% failure rate. I got fed up in the end and stopped reloading. Even if the numbers are bunk, unless something is blocking your shot a 100% failure rate is a statistically impossibility. I'm going to repeat myself. I'm doing thorough combat testing. Reloading each time there's a miss to calculate the true odds of hitting and those true odds are appallingly low, and most certainly not what is being displayed on screen.

Originally Posted by PrivateRaccoon
OP. You often refer to NWN. Well, that was a DnD crpg. It used the same dices that every DnD crpg have used. The difference between the NWN franchise and BG3 is that NWN1 was 3rd edition, NWN2 was 3.5 edition and BG3 is using 5th edition ruleset(well, that was the premise anyway...grrr). A lot has changed in DnD since NWN was released.

All of which is entirely irrelevant because the problem is systemic, not one of rules not making sense. There's nothing in D&D as far as I know that says a 60% chance to hit something is in reality a 5% chance to hit it. That's not a rule issue, it's an algorithmic issue.

Last edited by Chief_Jericho; 15/05/21 09:34 PM.