Originally Posted by Chief_Jericho
Originally Posted by Blackheifer
[color:#3333FF]Can you post your build? Attribute scores and all? This seems very off.

No because it happens on all characters regardless of class or gear or level. I've done extensive testing. I've been hammering the hell out of the combat system to test if it was just me and it's not. There is a disconnect between what the AI's percentage of hits are and what the players is, a disconnect so great that this game is going to be a critical failure if it launches with it. As I put in my last reply, the game tells me it's a 60% chance to hit but thorough testing proves those numbers are bunk and the combat system's code needs looking at to find out why those numbers are bunk. It isn't an isolated incident, in most rounds you will have two or three characters miss, something that's almost unheared of for the AI no matter what buffs your party has.

In one fight earlier today the enemy was lying prone, had Bane and true strike on it, my party had bless and was on an elevated platform two level above it and still it only had a 60% chance to hit, yet not a single character could hit it with a bow, despite that character being inside the bow's primary range no matter how many times I reloaded the game. They had a 100% failure rate. I got fed up in the end and stopped reloading. Even if the numbers are bunk, unless something is blocking your shot a 100% failure rate is a statistically impossibility. I'm going to repeat myself. I'm doing thorough combat testing. Reloading each time there's a miss to calculate the true odds of hitting and those true odds are appallingly low, and most certainly not what is being displayed on screen.

Ok so a few notes. Ranged attack's against a prone individual are made with disadvantage, Bane only affects the targets attack rolls, True strike provides advantage on attack rolls for 1 turn but only to the person who cast the spell, so it cancels the disadvantage for a single person.

Melee attacks against a prone individual are made with advantage and they automatically crit. How did they end up with bane on them? Can you send me a screen grab of your character screen?

Were you inside in darkness or outside? What races were you playing? if inside did everyone have darkvision? What weapons were you using with what classes? Longbows and Heavy xbows are Martial weapons which only certain races/classes are proficient in (but you can still equip them, it doesn't stop you or warn you). Shortbows and Light xbows can be used by everyone.

You should never use True Strike except for very high level spells/attacks with metamagic, see below:

I want to encourage you to come play with us on Multiplayer, again. You are making mistakes or misunderstanding some things, playing with others is super fun and you learn a lot. At this point this game is too easy for me.


Last edited by Blackheifer; 15/05/21 10:31 PM.
