Originally Posted by Alexandrite
This is one of my major complaints about the combat system and % chance to hit, it IS very frustrating!!!
As I understand it, 80% chance to hit does not actually mean you will definitely hit the target 8 times out of 10. It means you still have that 20% chance to NOT hit, and it is entirely possible to have an unlucky streak of dice landing in that exact 20% "miss" zone several times. (Sigh, this is usually where I give up on math, because my "math should be fair" logic and actual math probability does not make sense.)

Well 20% chance to not hit is still an 80% chance to hit, but I can assure you there is no way in hell it's that low, more like it's inverted. Either way the game isn't communicating with the player very well. For this part it's just a question of tweaking the numbers so you hit more. The spell slot system though needs throwing out the window and a whole new system built for Mages. I've never seen a more appallingly restrictive system for magic use as exists in the game right now.

Originally Posted by Alexandrite
Also, we are limited to level 4 but are the monsters higher level?

Technically everything is capped at level 4, however some enemies feel higher, partly as a result of the issues I've laid out.

Last edited by Chief_Jericho; 16/05/21 12:33 AM.