Are you playing with or without the weighted dice option? What is you typical companion setup/builds? I want to do a playthrough with same setup and see what results I get. Thus far every playthrough I have done I have had no where near the same RNG as you. I will agree though that Goblins do seem to hit harder than they should.

I will say though that last night I felt the Wrath of the RNG gods. Doing the Harpy fight that I have always always always bulldozed, round one every single Harpy got a Critical hit and I ended the fight with 2 companions dead. In that fight they always have height advantage and do hit me accordingly. I always have disadvantage and should struggle to hit but the only one that really struggles is Shadowheart's Guiding Bolt. Gale gets 100% rating because I use Magic Missile which never misses. What turns the fight around is when they foolishly fly down to me and allow my melee superiority to go berserk.