The control non intuitive, the shamefull camera control... don't make me laugh, if it's not good (it is), it's even worse in BG3.
So are the musics but it's only a matter of taste. I find them way more epic and engaging but I admit that I'm not a huge fan of Borislav.
No one has ever claimed that the story is very deep/interresting in Solasta or that the graphics are awesome. Usually that's exactly why players loves BG3 better.
But when it comes to combatd... BG3 looks like a brainless tactical game for children.
Solasta is a D&D simulator for a single person. You know there are companies that make those if you just want to do that all day. Probably cost less.
And its insultingly linear. I mean, hey I get it - some people need that linear kind of game that tells them to go from A to B to C - otherwise they get confused and end up with their underwear on their head and a ham sandwiched stuffed in their pants.
I love the tactical combat of BG3 personally. I am sorry you have such a hard time with encounters. I posted a list on Reddit for top ten mistakes you are making in BG3, you should check it out. Its great for new players.
But listen, I think its probably a great game for Philistines...I mean If Music, Art, Immersion and Story are things that just puzzle you anyway...