Joined: Sep 2017
I am kind of choosing to believe that there being no word on what's in the next patch yet means the devs are working on something several magnitudes more major than everything needed for the Druid class. Stuff like maybe our first look at proper reactions or ready actions. Not really holding my breath, but I can imagine very little that would require so much extra work, while simultaneously introducing another dimension of combat that could break things in a rather catastrophic way in terms of bugs.
Stuff like high ground/low ground and backstabs can be modded. Reactions can't. I keep envisioning Larian taking 4+ months to release Patch 5 to the fanfare of another TRAGIC Twitch event, only to contain fixes and optimization (something that can be done in hotfix) and more stuff about RNG/dice with no new class. And knowing Larian, that is very possible.
Joined: Oct 2020
The lack of communication is simple. They are going all out 100% D&D and prepared to blow us away at E3.
Joined: Jul 2014
I am kind of choosing to believe that there being no word on what's in the next patch yet means the devs are working on something several magnitudes more major than everything needed for the Druid class. Stuff like maybe our first look at proper reactions or ready actions. Not really holding my breath, but I can imagine very little that would require so much extra work, while simultaneously introducing another dimension of combat that could break things in a rather catastrophic way in terms of bugs.
Stuff like high ground/low ground and backstabs can be modded. Reactions can't. I keep envisioning Larian taking 4+ months to release Patch 5 to the fanfare of another TRAGIC Twitch event, only to contain fixes and optimization (something that can be done in hotfix) and more stuff about RNG/dice with no new class. And knowing Larian, that is very possible. I was imagining something among these lines. I'm honestly not particularly worried about the "long wait" between patches in itself. More than anything it annoys me not knowing to what it will lead to. "We are taking our sweet ass time to address X and Y in these ways" would be completely fine, but "BIG STREAMING SHOW FOR THE BIGGEST PATCH AND COMMUNITY UPDATE YET" only to come up with a Streaming From Hell 3 or derivates, meaning a series of awkward live gags, a list of irrelevant factoids about what aggregated data says on player habits and a series of "fixes and improvements" no one really asked for, while ignoring the ones everyone and their grandma are begging for since October 2020? That's the nightmare fuel.
Last edited by Tuco; 20/05/21 07:44 AM.
old hand
old hand
Joined: Dec 2020
Yeah, there's a reason I held off on the poll stuff. Without any idea at all on what direction the next patch is taking, any feedback gathering is really premature at this point.
Joined: Mar 2021
I was imagining something among these lines.
I'm honestly not particularly worried about the "long wait" between patches in itself. More than anything it annoys me not knowing to what it will lead to. "We are taking our sweet ass time to address X and Y in these ways" would be completely fine, but "BIG STREAMING SHOW FOR THE BIGGEST PATCH AND COMMUNITY UPDATE YET" only to come up with a Streaming From Hell 3 or derivates, meaning a series of awkward live gags, a list of irrelevant factoids about what aggregated data says on player habits and a series of "fixes and improvements" no one really asked for, while ignoring the ones everyone and their grandma are begging for since October 2020? That's the nightmare fuel. I think its just part of their culture and a way to have fun and blow off steam. Honestly, given how hard this company works I am happy for them that they are able to find so much joy in being silly. I just hope they are getting enough work/life balance and R&R so they don't burn out.
Joined: Oct 2020
"We are taking our sweet ass time to address X and Y in these ways" would be completely fine, but "BIG STREAMING SHOW FOR THE BIGGEST PATCH AND COMMUNITY UPDATE YET" only to come up with a Streaming From Hell 3 or derivates, meaning a series of awkward live gags, a list of irrelevant factoids about what aggregated data says on player habits and a series of "fixes and improvements" no one really asked for, while ignoring the ones everyone and their grandma are begging for since October 2020? That's the nightmare fuel. And how about "we see that some of you dont like X, but we do ... so it stays that way." ? Since that is sentence i would also appreciate.
I still dont understand why cant we change Race for our hirelings.  Lets us play Githyanki as racist as they trully are!
Joined: Jul 2014
And how about "we see that some of you dont like X, but we do ... so it stays that way." ? Since that is sentence i would also appreciate. In some cases would be a fairly shitty outcome, and another episode in a long series of "Larian stick to their guns only to regret it months later and/or harm the overall quality of their product", but it would at very least be some transparent communication? I think its just part of their culture and a way to have fun and blow off steam. Honestly, given how hard this company works I am happy for them that they are able to find so much joy in being silly.
I just hope they are getting enough work/life balance and R&R so they don't burn out. I find the scenario where half of the studio has to put extra work to organize a "Swen show" as a way to "have fun and blow off steam" as highly unlikely. But even if that was somehow the case, it would still not address any other issue with their past streaming events, just give a bizarre vibe to read them.
Last edited by Tuco; 20/05/21 09:29 AM.
Joined: Mar 2021
I think its just part of their culture and a way to have fun and blow off steam. Honestly, given how hard this company works I am happy for them that they are able to find so much joy in being silly.
I just hope they are getting enough work/life balance and R&R so they don't burn out. I find the scenario where half of the studio has to put extra work to organize a "Swen show" as a way to "have fun and blow off steam" as highly unlikely. But even if that was somehow the case, it would still not address any other issue with their past streaming events, just give a bizarre vibe to read them. I completely disagree. I think we are just are not used to companies that celebrate Art and Artistic expression like Larian does. Its so rare to have a CEO who loves gaming and is a gamer himself. Half the company is more than a little hyperbolic, maybe 10-15 people max, project managers and execs mainly - the people whose job it is to manage the Larian brand and image. Anyway, I get you're frustrated that we don't have an update. Maybe do some Yoga?
Last edited by Blackheifer; 20/05/21 10:05 AM.
Joined: Jul 2014
Anyway, I get your frustrated that we don't have an update. Maybe do some Yoga? I do (and teach) boxing for a living. I've got plenty of ways to deal with frustration, but thanks for your concern. Also, you seem to "get" a lot wrong, especially since I've openly stated that I'm fine with the update taking long, but don't let it take away from your enthusiasm.
Last edited by Tuco; 20/05/21 10:07 AM.
Joined: Oct 2020
On May 27th 2021 after a little more than 7 months in Early Access, Solasta will finally launch its 1.0 version with all the promises made during our Kickstarter Campaign! Whereas BG3 will probably be released on May 21th 2027.
Joined: Sep 2020
On May 27th 2021 after a little more than 7 months in Early Access, Solasta will finally launch its 1.0 version with all the promises made during our Kickstarter Campaign! Whereas BG3 will probably be released on May 21th 2027. That's fine. BG3 is many many times larger in scope than S******, so it should take longer. I'd rather Larian take the time to properly make BG3 rather than rush it out quickly. Something something a delayed game is eventually good but a rushed game is bad forever. We definitely don't want BG3 to become a CP2077. My optimistic estimate for BG3 is fall 2022, but a 2023 release date is also likely.
Joined: Dec 2020
Half the company is more than a little hyperbolic, maybe 10-15 people max, project managers and execs mainly - the people whose job it is to manage the Larian brand and image.
Anyway, I get you're frustrated that we don't have an update. Maybe do some Yoga? sarcastic quip towards Tuco aside, I agree with you about the hype team face of Larian. You know there's a good group of coders/artists/etc actually just getting down to work shaking their heads when the hype crew comes in lol.
Joined: Jul 2014
I’m not worried about WHEN BG3 is going to release at all. I’d say “Take your time and make it right “.
If anything I have more questions, doubts and worries about on which state that will happen.
P.S. and NO, I don’t fear a “Cyberpunk” either. What I’m concerned about is a game overlooking some fundamental design issues, not one releasing mutilated, broken or unplayable.
Last edited by Tuco; 20/05/21 02:46 PM.
Joined: Jan 2021
Some things need to get called out. Though the one minute ammunition thought was a bit much, I admit.
On a side note, it’s a bit telling that this thread is that big. The wait is driving people nuts. Yeah, it happened in the weeks before patch 4, everyone was antsy. It seems the cycle is repeating itself... Larian has flooding at their office, the forum gets antsy... 4 weeks go by.
Joined: Sep 2020
Yeah, it happened in the weeks before patch 4, everyone was antsy.
It seems the cycle is repeating itself... Larian has flooding at their office, the forum gets antsy... 4 weeks go by. In good news, Larian has a history of releasing the patch/community update 2 weeks after the initial announcement. This happened for Patch 3, 4, and arguably patch 2 (Comminity Update #9: Launch didn't specifically mention CU#10: Patch 2, but it was 2 weeks before). So...here's hoping for this Feedback Community Update next week!
Joined: Sep 2017
Please Larian, if you are reading this....
We do not need another streaming event for the next patch. The last one was inaudible and full of technical issues. That is time that could be spent on other things.
Joined: Jul 2014
I have to say that the ongoing assumption/suggestion that they will release the patch in coincidence with the upcoming E3 seems a bit of a questionable choice.
Can't think of a better moment to get your next update completely overlooked by people than overlapping it with the timing where every other big company around will be revealing their next hype things.
P.S. Completely unrelated, but recent confirmations of Firaxis having "multiple announcements ready for this year" made me impatient about XCOM 3.
old hand
old hand
Joined: Nov 2020
Honestly, it has its benefits and drawbacks. By showcasing it at E3, they do risk blending in with everything else, but they also can stand to benefit by gaining a ton of publicity and attracting people who otherwise wouldn't have known about the game cause it was normally outside of the circles they frequent. Personally, I'd just release the Patch when its done and save a trailer or demo for E3.
Joined: Jan 2021
BTW when you uninstall, you get a nice survey to inform them of the multiple reasons why.
Perhaps 'poor update communication' should be on the list. I haven't ever uninstalled, can you tell me and anyone else who is curious (but not curious enough to uninstall) what options are listed? And is there an OTHER option where you can write the reason? It asks why you uninstalled. I answered "It wasnt fun." Is there a specific moment that made you want to stop playing? "All the barrels, all the non D&D content." Please select any that apply. Combat is too hard - Not. Combat is too easy - Check. I didnt enjoy the characters - Check. The D&D content I want isnt included. - Check. I ran out of things to do. - Not I was lost. - Not It doesnt meet my expectations - Check. Do you have any feedback. "Make it like 5e, actually use the D&D rules."
Joined: Apr 2021
Please Larian, if you are reading this....
We do not need another streaming event for the next patch. The last one was inaudible and full of technical issues. That is time that could be spent on other things. Ugh I know I'm in the minority on this, but I would much rather take the time to READ a detailed update than have to listen to a confusing streaming video any day.