Originally Posted by Chief_Jericho
Originally Posted by CJMPinger
We honestly don't know much. Some here advocate for Non Origin companions but we don't even know if Larian has considered that as an option.

There is some datamining revealing some interesting Origin companions, but a lot of that is speculation based on incomplete pieces of code and writing.

Smells like monetised DLC. A lot of the time all the DLC actually does is unlock the content that's already in the game. I don't know Larian's MO but its becoming common practice in the market, sadly. Still, so long as it's not a Squirrel riding a skeleton that spends 30 hours patronising me I might consider it.

From Larian's track record, DLC is not even being considered right now which is something I like. The only DLC for DOS2 was Sir Lora which most did not even have to buy. I at least I have confidence Larian would tell us if they were planning on DLC like full on Origin companions.

On that, I really hope we get one Origin for each class with Artificer added on. So we really do get a full party with just the origin companions, and then instead of the DOS2 Mercenary system, we can recruit less complex companions of various classes through quests or hiring.