Grittier and darker, more adult game. Not just, heres <sex>now its adult. Adult THEMES and dialogues.
Like what?
Wracking my brain on this one as well.
we have: Genocide Torture Cannibalism Slavery Whatever is going on with Volo and that Goblin. Forced impregnation Kidnapping Murder Theft Debauchery Alcoholism Racism baby eating
...Off the top of my head. I just think we have become desensitized to what constitutes 'adult'.
It is a very widespread common - and very dumb - misconception to believe that
"adult" = grim
however, this is not so.
"Adult" means for me, a 50 years old man, this :
Bureaucracy (like paying taxes) Chronic illnessess Being a disabled person myself ("Well, that is why I don't have a hand anymore.") Myasthenia Lookism ("Uh, that one is looking so ugly, I won't give him the job !") Birthday parties ("Which of our friends are we going to invite so nobody feels like being neglected ?" - "So, our kid wants to throw a party. How many children can we endure ?" - So, our teenager had been throwing a party while we were visiting Aunt Whatshername - and now we have destroyed furniture, painted walls, the bad smell of far too much alcohol, a teenager in a police cell, and I think something was stolen too. And who put the hamster into the microwave oven ? Thank god nobody turned that thing on !") Avoiding bullies (for example in the tram) and extremists Violence in general (hooligans, criminals) Washing dirty clothes (yes, that is something that needs to be done as well !) Washing the disjes (dito) Cleaning the remants of the digesting of the household animals' food ("The dog must go out. Who of us does it ?") Politics (or discussing it) Ethics Raising children ("... needs new t-shirts again !" - "Ask grandma if she can knit a few more socks because that winter is going to be COLD !")) Keeping children away from dangers Car accidents Prices for car repairs and of course for gas, too ! Securing the house in defense against burglars Trying not to get things stolen Household accidents (the grandmother of a co-worker died a few months ago from falling down on dark cellar stairs after fetching beverage) Spirituality (yes, nobody wants that, but for some people, it's important, and for some people, it even contains actually *more* athan going to church) The question whether the money will be enough to feed everyone & pay the bills Prices going up ("Oh no ! The rent has become even more expensive ! From what are we supposed to live now ?") Working times ("And who looks after the children ?") Illnesses of the own children Preventive medical checkup Where is the neares public toilet ? ("I'm on the motorhighway now, my stomach rumbles violently, perhaps I must vomit, and nowhere there is a toilet to be seen ...") Bad meals and good meals in the firm's cantina Bad smells (farts) Bad smells (far too much perfume or hair treatment spray) Intrigue at work Bullying (co-workers, or sometimes it's even the boss) Repairing holes in clothes Getting insects out of the household (like ants) Trying not to get parasits from going out for a walk into nature (like ticks, for example)
Nobody wants to hear that, but these are actually "adult" themes. Like bureaucracy, for example, Nobody likes that. Nobody likes calculating taxes. It's an un pleasant work teenagers normally never have contact with. Or, raising teenagers in general. Lots of drama. Or bullying. Parents have to fdeal with their children being bullied as well. And with other parents denying that *their* children were bullying others.
Last edited by AlrikFassbauer; 25/05/2109:47 PM.
When you find a big kettle of crazy, it's best not to stir it. --Dilbert cartoon
"Interplay.some zombiefied unlife thing going on there" - skavenhorde at RPGWatch