Originally Posted by vometia
Not really. Still, that's all a bit academic, there's no intention of banning discussion about Solasta but if it continues to derail too many other discussions it may end up being corralled into its very own discussion area, something which has happened previously with some other topics.
Ah, so like a megathread in BG3's megathread sub-forum? "Comparisons Between BG3 and Solasta (and/or other games)." That wouldn't be the worst, though it would stifle conversation a bit if any mention of Solasta is shunted into a dedicated "Solasta-only" thread.

Moving any mention of Solasta out of the BG3 portions of the forums (say, into the "General - Chat" forum) would be too much imo.

I do agree that basically every possible comparison between BG3 and Solasta has already been made multiple times, so seeing it brought up again can get old. That said, this is true for many, if not most, of the BG3 forum topics at this point...