I agree with the TV Tropes quote. My experience has been much different than the most unsatisfied people on this forum. I'm admittedly newer to DnD but I'm now DMing my first campaign (and having a blast!) and my friends have been playing DnD for years. I started playing BG3 after playing DnD for a bit and it got me sooo much more excited to play pnp with my friends. I actually got some of my friends to play BG3 after hyping it up for them, and they really enjoyed it. I share some of the same concerns as other posters here, namely with disengage / jump and backstab and high ground being a bit OP, and wanting the UI to improve, but my overall experience has not been deeply negative. None of my friends have said they disliked the game or the combat. The biggest criticism I've heard from them is that the AI is kinda dumb right now and the game isn't totally polished yet.

Call us filthy casuals if you want, but I'm having fun, my friends enjoyed playing it, and from what I can tell no one was super angry while playing because things weren't a certain way. They plan to pick it up again when it releases for reals. I would rather the game appeal to a wider audience and inspire more people to play the genre. I've gotten much more into DnD as a result, which I'm sure WoTC wants to see. Now I'm thinking about playing games like Solasta, not so I can rip apart BG3 but because I enjoyed BG3 so maybe I would enjoy that as well. The playerbase should welcome that kind of response... I've played plenty of games that did one thing or another better than some other game in the same genre, but that wouldn't kill the experience for me completely and drive me to rage on forums.

Originally Posted by Boblawblah
so as long as the mass of casuals is happy, keep doing what you're doing? that seems just as ridiculous as pandering to the vocal minority. there's a reason pop music is popular, that doesn't mean I have to just say "oh well, you don't want to pander to the vocal (entitled) minority *shrug*"

Yeah? Musicians can pander to whoever they want... If that happens to be the people who like pop music then... so what?