Originally Posted by Saito Hikari
That's the thing though. This over-reliance on the systems of a previous game in an entirely different series speaks to a lack of faith in their skills as a developer. It's not the most encouraging thing for people to observe.

I would definitely argue that the origin system is absolutely not a core defining reason to DOS2's success. It absolutely isn't when actual praise for the system is rare, and most of the community outright encourages you to play as an origin character instead of custom because the custom option is missing a lot of context exclusive to each character, and written so awkwardly and poorly in comparison.

People did make great use of the origin system, but probably not for the reasons they think. Considering how Larian keeps talking about focusing their design based on data gained from analytics, it'd be a case study on how analytics without the context is misleading at best.
True, and we did discuss it at length somewhere on the forum. But the bottom line is that this one isn't gonna go away anytime soon. And this system is actually really really popular. Much more than you might think. Is it popular for the right reasons? Who knows.. but I do know many many many of the casual fans of DOS2 (casual in the sense they aren't posting too many feedback topics) really love it

Larian's Biggest Oversight, what to do about it, and My personal review of BG3 EA
"74.85% of you stood with the Tieflings, and 25.15% of you sided with Minthara. Good outweighs evil, it seems."