Originally Posted by Saito Hikari
Well, like I said, there are still tons of rifts along the countryside, and no regular small surprise force is going to be able to do anything about that. Hell, the game even flat out shows you that there are scouts assessing the situation in each area right before you arrive for the first time, meaning that steps have already been taken to minimize risk to the Inquisitor as much as possible. The Inquisitor is only brought in when the situation is severe enough to be brought to your attention and there's no other options.

Inquisiton had a lot of problems, but how it handled the main character was really not among them. Sure, you can go on solo adventures with the Inquisitor, but I chalk that up to gameplay oddity instead of an actual narrative fault, since you can do something equally dumb from a narrative standpoint in most other party-based games too.
I was not talking about sending small squads to close the rifts, but rather, that they should handle the other jobs. Because your inquisitor is not, in fact, only closing the rifts. I didn't have the impression inquisitor was "only brought in when the situation is severe enough" when playing DAI. The maps are full of inane quests, such as "bring back my lost cattle". But no one from your inner circle, or your companions, ever questions the stupidity of such quests, or the inquisitor risking themselves doing them. Even Cassandra, who went against the chantry to establish the inquisition, doesn't care if the inquisitor wastes time picking flowers or goes to solo fight a dragon. My impression was also that, ironically, there is no reactivity towards closing the rifts; you can leave them open, and still nothing happens and no one comments on that either.

It's not a matter of gameplay odditiies; the gameplay in DAI just doesn't support the narrative it is trying to build. Companion reactions (or rather lack of) included.

Last edited by ash elemental; 01/06/21 07:41 AM.