I don't think they are using the EA to build a better game anymore; just to build a hype train. Maybe they weren't expecting so many people to buy into it, maybe they originally had the intentions of shipping new builds out, but with every change came back lash since so many purchased EA just to play not to test and troubleshoot.

I mean...i have a feeling we'll start seeing closed early access (or hopefully there already is) and then a mass market early access since it brings so much up front capital to continue development and extinguishes any doubt for investors. A very few who are actually interested in testing and bettering the game will get the new builds, the mass market will get whatever fans the fewest flames. Every hotfix has a 100 youtube videos about it and probably 1000's of summary pages immediately spammed to a bajillion eyeballs, good or bad. It's not exactly what you're after when you're still making massive changes and decisions.