Joined: Jul 2014
My problem is mainly than in several month there was not significant progress.. Aside from the cinematic department the D&D system inside is still bare bone. Many things are missing or are just not D&D enough. Of course in an early access in full development swing but having a whole video dedicated to the release of One class in a patch that was released month ago is a bit underwelming.
I am still waiting for the next patch however i do hope the priority is get the basic D&D rules in place as they should be. Homebrew is ok but when is meant to replace totally core mechanics is always bad.
Joined: Oct 2020
oh yes, the great "Miracle Patch" which in my experience when people state, just wait for the "Miracle Patch", that Miracle never happens. Excluding final release i presume? 
I still dont understand why cant we change Race for our hirelings.  Lets us play Githyanki as racist as they trully are!
Joined: Jul 2014
Bold prediction: when the next patch will release a lot of people will be MAD at how little improvements/additions it will include.
Joined: May 2021
Would you blame them for being upset if the next patched dropped after 4 months of radio silence and there were just minor tweaks made?.....
I honestly think that is the likely scenario.
And the issue is, we have no idea when patch 5 will even come around.....we're waiting on a COMMINUTY UPDATE...... about how they receive and view feedback from us. It's not even a major undertaking. They know all of that information already. It has nothing to do with the content currently being worked on. It's just an update on their official in-place process they use.....and here we are. Almost a month later after "Coming Soon" was dropped. Without a single official word since.
Joined: Oct 2020
I'm just wondering if we should continue to invest our time into testing the game or not. This sentence is pure gold.  "Invested his time" to play a game.  I realy would like to say something to topic, but i cant help the feeling that the only acurate reaction would be posting picture of infant with tears in his eyes. :-/ What?!?! You are investing time to test an unfinished product. We all bought in to do something that would have cost this company money. I dont know about you, but my time is precious and im not going to spend it doing something that I dont enjoy (which currently includes playing this game. I wanted BG3 not D:os3) without, at least, being entertained by what im doing. We bought early, before release, before reviews, before complete information was given, to have our feedback heard and applied to this game. That was the implied deal when we started this whole thing almost a year ago. Where are we now? One class released, one section revealed and a lot of dissatisfaction on small things that can easily be addressed and worked on. We get no responses from the Devs and we are supposed to be happy and grateful, towing the line? Why? We have invested in our entertainment for this game. We have provided them with free quality control and bug testing. We should have the ability to vote weekly on topics and have someone, maybe a communications person, reach out and answer questions. I work for a software company and we do this. We change code based on feedback from clients. They seem to be at the ready on Reddit or Twitter, because every "save state" post I make on either of those is deleted in seconds. No offensiveness, just questions on the game. Stop acting like they are doing us a favor by making a game. We are their customers and we deserve proper feedback for the agreement that was made when we bought into EA. I was told im buying BG3, and that my feedback would shape the game. Now they have our money and we have silence. I understand this is an unfinished product, but if they brought us a sample of a meal and we said "this isnt what we want" and we went back to the kitchen and saw they didn't listen to us, we would demand our money back and leave. We are doing Larian a favor by investing and testing. We need to be more vocal about wanting our feedback heard. I would realy like to say something to RagnarokCzD, but I cant help the feeling that the only accurate reaction would be posting a picture of a shocked fat guy living in his parent's basement, trolling the internet.
Last edited by Vekkares; 07/06/21 06:48 PM.
old hand
old hand
Joined: Oct 2020
Bold prediction: when the next patch will release a lot of people will be MAD at how little improvements/additions it will include. I suspect you may be right.
old hand
old hand
Joined: Nov 2020
Bold prediction: when the next patch will release a lot of people will be MAD at how little improvements/additions it will include. I hope you are wrong, I genuinely do.
Joined: Oct 2020
Bold prediction: when the next patch will release a lot of people will be MAD at how little improvements/additions it will include. This is a scam! This could always be said, regardless of the amount of content in the next patch ...  Could you please link source of that sentence? Since i dont remember them telling anything even simmilar. O_o I remember them talking about smaller downloads, wich would be coming faster ... and they do, we get 4 hotfixes since then. o_O But i really never heared anyone in Larian talking about another classes. O_o It has nothing to do with the content currently being worked on. You dont know that ... What if they want to do video of "here is how it looked before, and here is how we just changed it" ? :P I dont know about you, but my time is precious and im not going to spend it doing something that I dont enjoy (which currently includes playing this game. I wanted BG3 not D:os3) without, at least, being entertained by what im doing. Clearly not precious enough ... I mean isnt this irony? Talking here how we "invest our precious time" instead doing something more fun, or productive ... while wasting our "precisous time" by talking about "how precious our time is"?  At least i can admit that i play this game, bcs i simply like it.  We bought early, before release, before reviews, before complete information was given, to have our feedback heard and applied to this game. That was the implied deal when we started this whole thing almost a year ago. What "complete infromation" you mean? That, when Swen multiple times warned you that game is not yet done, and things will take time? O_o That, when Swen multiple times warned you that if you want polished finished product, you definietly should wait? o_O Yes, you are right ... you bought early ... you bought early, after being informed about everything that means to bought early ... now you complaiging about it. :-/ Maybe you should have listen? About "heard" ... We, as comunity are heard ... if you dont see that, play patch 1 and then patch 4 ... you should notice. Or read patchnotes, that should give you some insight. And about "aplied" ... As far as i know, nobody ever promised that anything in this game will be changed the way peope would want ... especialy since that is complete nonsence, since we are not even able to get unified wish.  But if you have heared such promise is some interview, please ... share it with us.  I gladly admit that i was wrong and you were totally right ... but im not affraid of such situation. :P One class released, one section revealed and a lot of dissatisfaction on small things that can easily be addressed and worked on. I bet Larian is hiring talented developers (you never get too many), if those things are so easy.  We have invested in our entertainment for this game. And our entertainment we get ... I dont see your point here ... if you buy ticket on action move, you should not complain that you expected horror. :-/ We should have the ability to vote weekly on topics We do ... There was countless surveys, and even few topics here have voting ... I know that you wanted to actualy say that Larian should commit to adjust the game acording to those votings ... but this is not komunism, where govermend was dictating everything to people ... you cant decide for someone else how should he create his product, you can suggest, sure ... but that is all. We provide feedback, nothing more, nothing less ... and then they decide wich they find relevant, and wich not. and have someone, maybe a communications person, reach out and answer questions. That sounds like free ticket straight to mad house. :-/ Stop acting like they are doing us a favor by making a game. I never said this ... We are their customers and we deserve proper feedback for the agreement that was made when we bought into EA. Again, please show me ... I was told im buying BG3, and that my feedback would shape the game. And it does ... again, read patchnotes. Now they have our money and we have silence. Actualy we have promissed new Community Update ...  So we have silence for ... 3 weeks? If i count corectly. Thats thrully horrible. xD I understand this is an unfinished product, but if they brought us a sample of a meal and we said "this isnt what we want" and we went back to the kitchen and saw they didn't listen to us, we would demand our money back and leave. That is not acurate ... First of all we dont went to the kitchen ... We keep sitting to our table repeating "i dont want this", "i dont want this", "i dont want this", every time they brought to us another sample of meal ... and with every sample we completely forgotten that this meal is not served only for us, but for whole room ... and the goal is not making it perfect for us, but the best possible for most of all of us. :-/ You want vegan diner ... i want meat (or other way around, it does not matter) ... the chef will comit a suicide before he manage to please us both with same meal. :P We are doing Larian a favor by investing and testing. And they are doing us a favour by taking our testing and feedback into concideration ... That is how ballance is maintained.  We need to be more vocal about wanting our feedback heard. To achieve what exactly?  More locked topics, bcs we broken another rule of this forum? If so, you are on right track.  I would realy like to say something to RagnarokCzD, but I cant help the feeling that the only accurate reaction would be posting a picture of a shocked fat guy living in his parent's basement, trolling the internet. I bet you feel good about yourself now.  Strong, confident, alfamale incarnated.  Enjoy it while it lasts. 
Last edited by Raze; 16/03/22 08:46 AM. Reason: deleted forum account
I still dont understand why cant we change Race for our hirelings.  Lets us play Githyanki as racist as they trully are!
Joined: Oct 2020
oh yes, the great "Miracle Patch" which in my experience when people state, just wait for the "Miracle Patch", that Miracle never happens. Excluding final release i presume?  Actually, when a game is in late beta, release is not that different. I can't remember any game changing that much in the last few month of beta VS release. I expect what we are seeing now will be overall how the game will play at release unless this game going to be delayed for a few more years so they can do major reworks of systems and honestly don't know if that would lead to a better game. The time for major rework of stuff was months ago. The farther along the project goes, the less chance major changes will happen. Again, I would love to be surprised but past experience is having me lower my expectations for BG3.
Joined: Feb 2020
Bold prediction: when the next patch will release a lot of people will be MAD at how little improvements/additions it will include. This is a scam! This could always be said, regardless of the amount of content in the next patch ...  Could you please link source of that sentence? Since i dont remember them telling anything even simmilar. O_o I remember them talking about smaller downloads, wich would be coming faster ... and they do, we get 4 hotfixes since then. o_O But i really never heared anyone in Larian talking about another classes. O_o It has nothing to do with the content currently being worked on. You dont know that ... What if they want to do video of "here is how it looked before, and here is how we just changed it" ? :P I dont know about you, but my time is precious and im not going to spend it doing something that I dont enjoy (which currently includes playing this game. I wanted BG3 not D:os3) without, at least, being entertained by what im doing. Clearly not precious enough ... I mean isnt this irony? Talking here how we "invest our precious time" instead doing something more fun, or productive ... while wasting our "precisous time" by talking about "how precious our time is"?  At least i can admit that i play this game, bcs i simply like it.  We bought early, before release, before reviews, before complete information was given, to have our feedback heard and applied to this game. That was the implied deal when we started this whole thing almost a year ago. What "complete infromation" you mean? That, when Swen multiple times warned you that game is not yet done, and things will take time? O_o That, when Swen multiple times warned you that if you want polished finished product, you definietly should wait? o_O Yes, you are right ... you bought early ... you bought early, after being informed about everything that means to bought early ... now you complaiging about it. :-/ Maybe you should have listen? About "heard" ... We, as comunity are heard ... if you dont see that, play patch 1 and then patch 4 ... you should notice. Or read patchnotes, that should give you some insight. And about "aplied" ... As far as i know, nobody ever promised that anything in this game will be changed the way peope would want ... especialy since that is complete nonsence, since we are not even able to get unified wish.  But if you have heared such promise is some interview, please ... share it with us.  I gladly admit that i was wrong and you were totally right ... but im not affraid of such situation. :P One class released, one section revealed and a lot of dissatisfaction on small things that can easily be addressed and worked on. I bet Larian is hiring talented developers (you never get too many), if those things are so easy.  We have invested in our entertainment for this game. And our entertainment we get ... I dont see your point here ... if you buy ticket on action move, you should not complain that you expected horror. :-/ We should have the ability to vote weekly on topics We do ... There was countless surveys, and even few topics here have voting ... I know that you wanted to actualy say that Larian should commit to adjust the game acording to those votings ... but this is not komunism, where govermend was dictating everything to people ... you cant decide for someone else how should he create his product, you can suggest, sure ... but that is all. We provide feedback, nothing more, nothing less ... and then they decide wich they find relevant, and wich not. and have someone, maybe a communications person, reach out and answer questions. That sounds like free ticket straight to mad house. :-/ Stop acting like they are doing us a favor by making a game. I never said this ... We are their customers and we deserve proper feedback for the agreement that was made when we bought into EA. Again, please show me ... I was told im buying BG3, and that my feedback would shape the game. And it does ... again, read patchnotes. Now they have our money and we have silence. Actualy we have promissed new Community Update ...  So we have silence for ... 3 weeks? If i count corectly. Thats thrully horrible. xD I understand this is an unfinished product, but if they brought us a sample of a meal and we said "this isnt what we want" and we went back to the kitchen and saw they didn't listen to us, we would demand our money back and leave. That is not acurate ... First of all we dont went to the kitchen ... We keep sitting to our table repeating "i dont want this", "i dont want this", "i dont want this", every time they brought to us another sample of meal ... and with every sample we completely forgotten that this meal is not served only for us, but for whole room ... and the goal is not making it perfect for us, but the best possible for most of all of us. :-/ You want vegan diner ... i want meat (or other way around, it does not matter) ... the chef will comit a suicide before he manage to please us both with same meal. :P We are doing Larian a favor by investing and testing. And they are doing us a favour by taking our testing and feedback into concideration ... That is how ballance is maintained.  We need to be more vocal about wanting our feedback heard. To achieve what exactly?  More locked topics, bcs we broken another rule of this forum? If so, you are on right track.  I would realy like to say something to RagnarokCzD, but I cant help the feeling that the only accurate reaction would be posting a picture of a shocked fat guy living in his parent's basement, trolling the internet. I bet you feel good about yourself now.  Strong, confident, alfamale incarnated.  Enjoy it while it lasts.  OMG I just entered this thread, I saw the bottom of this message with a quote for every sentences. I knew who was writing. Then I read a few answer and I was definitely sure.
Last edited by Raze; 16/03/22 08:45 AM. Reason: deleted forum account
Joined: Dec 2020
OMG I just entered this thread, I saw the bottom of this message with a quote for every sentences. I knew who was writing.
Then I read a few answer and I was definitely sure. I think sometimes it's better to just ignore a poster than continue to engage with them (just click on their name, go to their profile and you can ignore them) 
Joined: Oct 2020
**mod note** quote snipped for ease of readingI would realy like to say something to RagnarokCzD, but I cant help the feeling that the only accurate reaction would be posting a picture of a shocked fat guy living in his parent's basement, trolling the internet. I bet you feel good about yourself now.  Strong, confident, alfamale incarnated.  Enjoy it while it lasts.  Yeah man, great points you made there about nothing. The point of the EA was to allow us to test this game for them. In turn they save a few hundred thousand paying testers, at the very least and have profit margins proven on nothing more than the license and the anticipation for a new release. There are expectations to this franchise and they have moved away from quite a few of them. The endless complaints calling this D:OS 3 should be a key factor of review for Larian, but it’s not. Also I knew I was buying an incomplete Baldur’s Gate game, not an incomplete Divinity game. So please prattle on about how we were warned by Swen. No, most people knew without question what we signed up for and I was fine to test BG 3. I found out it was the same garbage so far as the 2 meh Divinity games. Save state questions on a game that is supposed to represent 5e D&D should’ve been an easy answer to people’s questions. Barrellmancy should not have been something we had to beg to have fixed, and it’s still a thing. Defend Larian, I don’t care. I am a customer that was promised one product and so far it is not that product! If a movie is bad, I can walk out halfway through and get my money back. However I cannot do that here! If they offer refunds on EA, are you confident half the people that signed up will stay? I’m not. You can’t polish a crappy game and call it BG3 while using all the ingredients of D:OS3. But please go ahead and tell me how I’m wrong for my perception of facts cause you feel that Larian is our best buds and doing everything perfect.
Last edited by Jess Larian; 08/06/21 01:36 PM.
Joined: Sep 2020
Can we not quote things that are that long? You could have just said @[User] or put the entire quote in spoilers like so either the full quote or a paraphrased version Especially since neither of you were responding to specific points.
Joined: Oct 2020
There are expectations to this franchise and they have moved away from quite a few of them. That is usual problem with sequels ... Producers have vision, and consumers have vision ... The product as is only that sucesfull as many people share the vision with producer. But, the producer is the one who is seting the course ... here producer is willing to hear consumers, that is still more than what most do. :-/ The endless complaints calling this D:OS 3 should be a key factor of review for Larian, but it’s not. Well ... im not Larian ofcourse, but the "calling this D:OS 3" tells me litteraly nothing about what people dislike ... So if i would be in their skin, i would simply expect this to be toxic people who cant bite the fact that Larian created divinity, and now they are creating BG:3 ... Maybe they see it simmilary. Also I knew I was buying an incomplete Baldur’s Gate game, not an incomplete Divinity game. No, most people knew without question what we signed up for and I was fine to test BG 3. I found out it was the same garbage so far as the 2 meh Divinity games. And incomplete Baldur's Gate game you get ... its not what you expected i get it, but that dont make it anything else. No matter how often you repeat the same, information value of such statement is still zero. :-/ Save state questions on a game that is supposed to represent 5e D&D should’ve been an easy answer to people’s questions. Im sorry, i dont understand this sentence.  Barrellmancy should not have been something we had to beg to have fixed, and it’s still a thing. Some people find it fun ... and there is litteraly nothing forcing others to use it. O_o I honestly dont understand problems you people have with Barells ... i have 345,5h played this game, i finished it more than dozen times ... yet i blowed maybe ten barells top. O_o Why does existence of something bothers you so much? I don’t care. I am a customer that was promised one product and so far it is not that product! There is your problem ... it is that product, you only expected it to be different. You buy and Orange and then complain about you expected it to be sweeter, its still and orange tho.  If a movie is bad, I can walk out halfway through and get my money back. Well ... that is certainly interesting statement. O_o I dunno how that works in your country, but in ours they certainly dont get you your money back, just bcs you didnt like first part of movie. O_o You can’t polish a crappy game and call it BG3 while using all the ingredients of D:OS3. Why not?  Actualy you can use all the ingredients you want ... that is one of privilegies of being a developer.  But please go ahead and tell me how I’m wrong for my perception of facts cause you feel that Larian is our best buds and doing everything perfect. Never said that. 
I still dont understand why cant we change Race for our hirelings.  Lets us play Githyanki as racist as they trully are!
Joined: Oct 2020
There are expectations to this franchise and they have moved away from quite a few of them. That is usual problem with sequels ... Producers have vision, and consumers have vision ... The product as is only that sucesfull as many people share the vision with producer. But, the producer is the one who is seting the course ... here producer is willing to hear consumers, that is still more than what most do. :-/ The endless complaints calling this D:OS 3 should be a key factor of review for Larian, but it’s not. Well ... im not Larian ofcourse, but the "calling this D:OS 3" tells me litteraly nothing about what people dislike ... So if i would be in their skin, i would simply expect this to be toxic people who cant bite the fact that Larian created divinity, and now they are creating BG:3 ... Maybe they see it simmilary. Also I knew I was buying an incomplete Baldur’s Gate game, not an incomplete Divinity game. No, most people knew without question what we signed up for and I was fine to test BG 3. I found out it was the same garbage so far as the 2 meh Divinity games. And incomplete Baldur's Gate game you get ... its not what you expected i get it, but that dont make it anything else. No matter how often you repeat the same, information value of such statement is still zero. :-/ Save state questions on a game that is supposed to represent 5e D&D should’ve been an easy answer to people’s questions. Im sorry, i dont understand this sentence.  Barrellmancy should not have been something we had to beg to have fixed, and it’s still a thing. Some people find it fun ... and there is litteraly nothing forcing others to use it. O_o I honestly dont understand problems you people have with Barells ... i have 345,5h played this game, i finished it more than dozen times ... yet i blowed maybe ten barells top. O_o Why does existence of something bothers you so much? I don’t care. I am a customer that was promised one product and so far it is not that product! There is your problem ... it is that product, you only expected it to be different. You buy and Orange and then complain about you expected it to be sweeter, its still and orange tho.  If a movie is bad, I can walk out halfway through and get my money back. Well ... that is certainly interesting statement. O_o I dunno how that works in your country, but in ours they certainly dont get you your money back, just bcs you didnt like first part of movie. O_o You can’t polish a crappy game and call it BG3 while using all the ingredients of D:OS3. Why not?  Actualy you can use all the ingredients you want ... that is one of privilegies of being a developer.  But please go ahead and tell me how I’m wrong for my perception of facts cause you feel that Larian is our best buds and doing everything perfect. Never said that.  You never said this, you never say that. Yet you continue to go on and on about nothing. I’m dissatisfied with the game. You think posting ramblings on my comments are going to change my mind? No you, clearly don’t live in the US. We have a higher standard here. Not all of us, mind you or we wouldn’t have had a Cheeto for President, but some of us demand quality for our time and money. Also I’m done with my monthly check in on this game. It’s still garbage, my time too precious to continue explaining to you, why I think this way. Buh Bye!
Last edited by Vekkares; 09/06/21 01:25 AM.
Joined: Oct 2020
Yet you continue to go on and on about nothing. *We  You think posting ramblings on my comments are going to change my mind? Dunno, dont care.  As people like repeat here "its not my job to change your mind", i simply state mine.  No you, clearly don’t live in the US. I didnt know that is condition to write here ... We have a higher standard here. Doubt that, since you have no idea what standard we have, hardly you can find yours higher. :P I mean objectively ... you can ofcourse smugly concider yourself superior to anyone, that would also explain some things. O_o It’s still garbage, my time too precious to continue explaining to you, why I think this way. And you were telling me that my posting dont change your mind ... it seems to me like you understand at least one thing. 
I still dont understand why cant we change Race for our hirelings.  Lets us play Githyanki as racist as they trully are!
Joined: Sep 2017
Enough, Vekkares and Ragnarok. I'll do you both the favor of ending the back and forth quips at eachother, and I know how tempting that last word is to settle it. Just move on 
Joined: Oct 2020
Enough, Vekkares and Ragnarok. I'll do you both the favor of ending the back and forth quips at eachother, and I know how tempting that last word is to settle it. Just move on  Agreed man. I get carried away because of my disappointment for a lot of the things Larian is doing. Then seeing Rag call someone that is opening discussion a crybaby, just infuriates me more. I fall into the troll trap and argue about nothing. My biggest complaints about the game are the rules implementation and having to play as one of the companions if you drop into a friends game. I feel that loses the flavor of D&D and embraces Divinity way too much. I hated the companions in Divinity, I hate companions in BG3 and just want to play with my friends without starting over all the time. I like the idea of bringing my higher level character into my friend's and my wife's game. Either to help get past tough battles, or just trade gear. You can do that in a ton of games, and I feel without it, it loses some of that replay and character creation enjoyment from previous games. I am more passionate about it than I should be I guess. lol
Joined: Mar 2021
just want to play with my friends without starting over all the time. I like the idea of bringing my higher level character into my friend's and my wife's game. Either to help get past tough battles, or just trade gear. You can do that in a ton of games, and I feel without it, it loses some of that replay and character creation enjoyment from previous games. I am more passionate about it than I should be I guess. lol I totally get this. When we have someone who has to drop out of a Multiplayer game the person who replaces gets that characters toon or the host has to re-assign them. It would be great if we could have somebody come in with a new toon that is leveled to wherever we are and we could put the person who left on the backburner. More importantly this ties into the larger dream of having the ability to export characters for play later or in other campaigns. I think The Composer wrote an interesting piece on that yesterday On the challenges of adding new players to multiplayer groups: "I think it's a cool idea with random MP groups, would love to see it! I can think of a few hurdles though, most of them doable except for one. Characters made in character creation are marked as avatars, it's why you can't dismiss player created characters and replace them with a henchman. That'd need a reword, which would cascade into a whole lot of code needing reiteration as well. There'd probably be an interest in having some narrative cue to why a new dude would show up, but there are many easy to more complex solutions to that. The biggest difficulty I can think of is moving various progression data from an avatar to the new henchman, tags, flags and other code the current and future content relies on being there, in order to function properly. That isn't as easily transferred as say, getting the host level and leveling up the new character to the same, or duplicating its items and sending that to the camp stash." On the idea of Baldur's Gate itself as a kind of Multiplayer/Singleplayer new campaign HUB - Jumping off point:"I've been advocating heavily for what I call "reversal traversal" because it sounds corny and funny, yet oddly descriptive, which basically means the ability to travel backwards, to previous acts. That way, the community could make new content in a more modular fashion and add to other projects. Otherwise it's solely a linear experience, and once you leave the area, you can't go back (which is the case in Dos2). Also, that'd allow for Baldur's Gate to be a hub you can travel to as a hub, not as a once pass-through. Imagine having Baldur's Gate as a hub where people put down a new NPC to start their own quest line, and you download a mod to play someone's interpretation of the Curse of Strahd campaign, as extra content of your usual vanilla playthrough. That's probably my personal biggest passion and hope to see happen." For me these are the greatest Hopes I have for this game, not as 'merely a game' but as a Platform - like NWN was - except vastly improved in terms of core ruleset, balance, and possibilities. With respect to The Composer, I hope you don't mind me quoting you.
Last edited by Blackheifer; 09/06/21 02:08 PM.
Joined: Sep 2017
I don't mind anything I write in public channels to be quoted ^^,