Originally Posted by Azarielle
Originally Posted by Sigi98
Originally Posted by Azarielle
Also I do believe the full release deadline should have been set by now.

no, absolutely not. we have seen too many games lately that failed spectacularily because some arbitrary deadline was set to please fans, but the development team needed more time, and then the game sucked.

I'm guessing you're referencing Cyberpunk? Maybe I was lucky but my playthrough has been fairly smooth in stark contrast to overwhelming criticism. Was it all everyone was hoping it to be? No, but Witcher 3 was also extremely plagued at the release and yet it has become one of the best games ever made in time. Let's also remember Cyberpunk was set for release and eventually released at the peak of the pandemic and neither of the two mentioned games ever had an EA, which should really help in making the game playable at release (That's kinda the whole point, no?)

If you ask me I'd rather have a plagued as hell full release than not even a light at the end of the tunnel.

At this rate GRRM might release Winds of Winter before we ever see full release of BG3

I just thought the CP77 story was shallow and the rpgs elements were lame. I liked driving around the pretty city and shooting stuff tho. I just don't usually dig those types of games, so it was meh for me.

Ie, my point was the rpg slump that made me get the EA of BG3. Thus, I am not fussed about BG3 despite its faults because at least it actually *feels* like and RPG rather than a looter shooter or action game, etc.

EDITED --- OK -- I missed the final page before I responded --- I did not realize the argument was getting so heated! People like different things! It is all good! I am NOT trying to take a "moral" high ground by liking slower paced rpg style games. In fact, my lack of quick-twitch reaction is why I suck at looter shooters! LOL

Last edited by timebean; 05/06/21 01:10 PM.