I'm always surprised when I read people claiming they enjoyed playing Cyberpunk 2077 and that "they didn't experience that many technical issues".

Even putting aside anomalous issues, crashes and what else, the game had one of the worst feelings in moment-to-moment gameplay that I ever experienced, no matter if you want to classify it as a RPG or a straight shooter (let alone as the city-sized "immersive sim" I hoped it would be).
I never really liked a single Bethesda RPG and I still think that in some aspects even they run circles around this game.

Controls are bad, the UI is bad, shooting (and combat in genre) feels bad, the enemy AI is at "early prototype" levels, NPCs keep colliding/compenetrating into each other or into walls and scenario elements, reactions to the player range from poorly made to inexistent and the itemization is one of the worst I've ever witnessed and the summary of everything I despise in recent trends, especially with that "looter shooter" vibe of constantly showering you with trash.

Literally the only redeeming quality of the game I can point is that the dialogue close-up look excellent and are pretty much what I dreamed a modern Bloodlines 2 could have looked like in that aspect.
Even then their ACTUAL reactivity to the player's inputs is underwhelming at best. Most of these conversations seem to go on a set binary where you have hardly any liberty to steer the direction.

Last edited by Tuco; 05/06/21 01:23 PM.

Party control in Baldur's Gate 3 is a complete mess that begs to be addressed. SAY NO TO THE TOILET CHAIN