Chapter 2 - Level Up

After the encounter with Astarion, the DM had determined that the adventurers had earned additional XP. There was a slight combat encounter with the elf, and they had roleplayed the scene well. They were only 1 XP shy of Level 3 anyway after the intellect devourer encounter, so the DM decided to award them 51 XP for their encounter with Astarion. This boosted them to 950 XP. He gave them that extra 1 point just to round them out.

Kaedyn rolled a 5 for HP. This increased his HP to 24. He now got 5 prepared spells, and he unlocked 4 level 1 spell slots and 2 level 2 spell slots. So now he could prepare level 2 spells. He also got Lessor Restoration and Spiritual Weapon as prepared for free because of his Domain. So he got to pick one more spell to prepare. He chose Prayer of Healing.

Vexir also rolled a 5. Her HP went up to 27. She chose Battlemaster as her Archtype. She then chose 3 Combat Maneuvers: Menacing Attack, Pushing Attack and Riposte.

Ryth-Shan rolled a 6. His HP score increased to 26. He chose the Beast Master Archery Archtype and received Primal Awareness. He could use an action and expend one ranger spell slot to focus his awareness on the region around him. For 1 minute per level of the spell slot he expended, he coudl sense whether the following types of creatures were present within 1 mile of him (or within up to 6 miles if he was in his favored, forested, terrain): aberrations, celestials, dragons, elementals, fey, fiends, and undead. The feature did not reveal the creature's location or how many.

He also got 3 level 1 spell slots and new 3 level 1 spells. He already had Mage Hand as a Gith cantrip, and he had learned Animal Friendship and Speak with Animals. Because he was Githyanki, he received the Jump spell as well, now, because he was level 3. So he got to pick one more spell. He chose Hunter's Mark.

Finally, as a Beast Master, he got to choose a beast that was no larger than Medium. This beast would be his companion and travel with him, obey his commands, etc. He chose for himself a raven and called it Zriek. It had AC 12, 1 HP, could move 10 feet per move, STR 2, DEX 14, CON 8, INT 2, WIS 12, CHA 6, Perception +3 and had Mimicry and Beak with +4 to hit and 1 piercing damage.

Next was Shadowheart. The DM now allowed the players to level her up. She was already Level 2, so they just had to level her up to Level 3. One of the players rolled a 4 for her HP increase, and the DM accepted that. Her HP was now 21. Like Kaedyn, her spell slots increased to 4 level 1 slots and 2 level 2 slots. She also got to prepare one additional spell now that she was level 3. Her automatic level 2 spells because of her Trickery Domain were Mirror Image and Pass Without Trace. So, the players discussed and agreed that she would now learn Silence. They also liked the spells she already had prepared, so they didn't change them up.

Finally, it was time to level up Astarion. He was also already Level 2. This was no big deal because the first level up for a rogue doesn't really require any choices. Therefore, the players wouldn't have had any influence on his progression anyway. One player rolled a 3, and the DM accepted that for his HP increase. His HP would now be 21 because he got a +2 for Constitution bonus. Besides this, his Sneak Attack increased to 2d6 damage each time he used it. He also got to choose a Rogue Archtype. So the players discussed what Archtype they wanted to make him.

In the end, they chose Thief and thus Astarion acquired Fast Hands. This allowed him to use a Bonus Action to make Dexterity (Sleight of Hand) checks, to use thieves' tools to disarm a trap or open a lock, or take the Use an Object action. Thus, using potions and such would be a Bonus Action for Astarion only, not for all characters, making this ability meaningful.

Along with this ability, he also gained the Second-Story Work ability, allowing him to climb without costing extra movement. In addition, when he would make a running jump, the distance he covered now increased by a number of feet equal to his Dexterity modifier, allowing him to jump further.

Since the DM created Astarion, being a high elf, he received a Cantrip automatically. The DM decided to give the players a choice for that Cantrip now. Normally, that would have been done at character creation, but since this was the first time they got to see his character, the DM allowed them to pick. They discussed it and thought that Mage Hand would work best with Astarion's character. This would allow him to even be able to pick locks, retrieve items, etc. from a distance of 30 feet.

Astarion's level 3 stats, therefore, were: AC 14, HP 21, STR 8, DEX 17, CON 14, INT 13, WIS 13, CHA 10, Acrobatics +5, Deception +2, History +3, Perception +3, Persuasion +2, Sleight of Hand +5, Stealth +7 (one of his expertises), Thieves Tools +7 (his other expertise), he wore Padded Armor and was equipped with a Rapier, 2 Daggers, a Shortbow, Burglar's Pack, Thieves' Tools, Set of Fine Clothes, Signet Ring, Scroll of Pedigree, and a Purse with 25 GP in it. For spells, he knew Mage Hand. Unlike the others, he did not have a Magic Pocket, so whatever equipment he carried on him, it was not shared by all.

Chapter 2 - Animal Companions

Ryth-Shan led the others along the western ridge the jutted up out of the river below. As he went, he followed the boar's tracks easily enough. The DM didn't even make him roll because there was really no other place for the boar to go. As he came to the edge of the ridge, he found the animal cowering in the foliage. He was stuck there with no escape other than to jump off the cliff. After all, it was at least a ten foot drop on the east side and a twenty foot drop into the river on the west.

Ryth-Shan activated his Speak with Animals spell, using one of his 3 spell slots. He would only use Animal Friendship if he had to. He was hoping just talking to the boar would be enough. He gestured for the others to remain a good distance back, and he approached with body language that would likely communicate to the beast that he was friendly and meant no harm.

He made an Animal Handling roll of 16+4=20. The animal was quite afraid, and so he needed a 15 to succeed. Seeing him, the boar immediately began to relax. He did appear friendly.

"Back! Back, I say!" the boar still warned him. "I'm not afraid to charge you and gore you with my tusks."

"Easy, Friend," said Ryth-Shan, holding his hands up and stopping. "I just wanted to ask you some questions. It's been quite a rough couple of days. We were captured by the monsters in that thing there." He pointed to the nautiloid. "We managed to escape, and we're a bit worried we might run into more of those things. Can you tell me? Have you seen anymore of those brain creatures about? Have you seen anymore of their masters, the tentacle-faced creatures? What about more people like us?"

The boar became even more relaxed. Now that he knew that Ryth-Shan only wanted information, he felt that he could breathe easier. "It's been quiet today," he told him. "Yesterday, it was not so much so. People were running about wildly, fleeing for their lives. Those creatures were everywhere. There was lots of fighting. This creepy guy was slipping around from shadow to shadow. At one point, he hid in a box, but those things found him anyway."

Then the boar laughed. "I don't know what came over him. He acted really strange. When the box shattered, he screamed like a girl and stabbed at the brain creature as he fled towards the river. The brain creature seemed about ready to follow, but something lured it away. I saw all this from up here. I've been hiding here the whole time too. I'm too afraid to go into that thing to escape here, and the river is too swift to swim across. Besides, the bog on the other side is... well... not friendly. Steer clear of there."

"Thanks for the advice," said Ryth-Shan, mulling over what the boar was saying. Astarion's story, at least, seemed to check out.

Then the boar added, "The strange, creepy man ran into the river and started to smoke. I know it sounds crazy, but he actually started to sizzle. He hissed in pain and fled back onto the shore. Then, he seemed to be utterly confused. He kept looking at himself, as if examining himself for the first time. Something inside that thing drew his attention, and he moved closer to observe. Afterwards, he fled to the cove for a bit. He was still examining himself a lot. He is really odd."

Ryth-Shan was now even more puzzled. "He sizzled in the water?" he asked.

"Yep. Strangest thing. Even in the cove, he kept stepping into the shadows and then out into the light. Back and forth, he went, in and out of the light. Then he'd dip his toe in the river, hiss, and pull it out again. When night came, he crept through the thing over there and went off exploring, I think. I didn't even know he had returned this morning. I was minding my own business trying to get something to eat when you all startled me."

Ryth-Shan continued to take in what the boar was saying. "I'm so sorry to have startled you. So, quiet this morning, you say?"

"Yep. No sign of anymore of those brain things or the tentacle monsters. I know a few fishermen were inside that thing digging through debris. That's about it. They've been at it since yesterday. Not sure what they are really trying to get at. They seemed frantic."

"Hmmm," said Ryth-Shan. "This is all very helpful. So, what do you say? How about you tag along with us. Maybe I can lead you out of this area safely. I'm assuming if we can get through the ship there, maybe there's some place else you'd like to go?" Ryth-Shan made a Persuasion roll. The difficulty was only 5. After all, the boar wanted to leave the area they were in. Ryth-Shan was not proficient with Persuasion, so he had no bonus. There was still a chance of failure. He rolled a 7. He succeeded.

The boar perked up. "Absolutely! There's a Druid's Grove not too far from here. I could take you there."

Ryth-Shan was utterly relieved. "That would be wonderful, My Friend. You are the friendliest person I've met in days. I mean that! These people... well... I'm only with them because it makes the most sense right now. The sooner I can get away from them, the better."

The boar laughed. "Ah. Some of those types of people, eh? Haha! I get ya. People! Am I right?"

"You have NO idea," remarked Ryth-Shan. "Come on. I'll lead the way."

"Can I come too?" Just then, he heard the sound of a nasally male from above him. Looking into the tree, Ryth-Shan spotted a raven, as black as a moonless midnight.

He froze. "Hello, Friend," he replied in response. "And who might you be?"

"I'm Zriek," the bird replied. He then fluttered down out of the tree to land on a branch closer to Ryth-Shan's eye level. "And you are?"

"Ryth-Shan," he said. "And I would absolutely love to have another friend on this journey. But you don't need help to get out of here. Why would you want to join me?"

Zriek seemed to smile just at the corner of his beak. "Frankly, you are the friendliest face I've seen recently too. Something's not right around here. I've been observing strange things lately."

"Like what?" asked Ryth-Shan. He felt an uneasiness in the pit of his stomach.

"Lots of things," remarked the bird. "The most unnerving has to do with the Druid's Grove and the bog. Something unnatural is happening. No. Wait. The village is more unnerving. The villagers there are all dead now. They were being picked off one by one and then... No. Goblins in the ruins to the west. That's more strange." His head seemed to be spinning. "Gnolls on the highway and soldiers and Tiefling refugees and ogres... Oh! And the ruins to the east just beyond. There hasn't been any activity in those ruins for as long as I've been alive. Now. Something's stirring in there, and some mercenaries are there right now even. They're messing around in it. Not sure what they're up to."

Ryth-Shan once again took it all in. "Maybe those mercenaries know something that could help us. Maybe we should check out that ruins after all. I'll have to see what the others think." He then looked back at Zriek. "So, you want to come with me... why exactly?"

Zriek cocked his head to the side, almost as if he was shrugging. "I'm hoping you'll help put things back to normal. You're a nature-lover, that much is obvious. Maybe I can help you help the druids around here put things right. I can feel it in the air, especially in the bog. There's a blight on the land. It's growing every day. I mean, the bog's always been a bad place, but something has caused a taint upon the land outside the bog now. I want to help someone do something about it, but the druids are too busy right now with their own problems. Will you help?"

Ryth-Shan glanced back at the others. They seemed as if they were growing bored while waiting for him. Ryth-Shan turned back to the raven. "If I can, I will," he replied. "Right now, we have a rather pressing issue ourselves. WE'VE been infected with nasty parasites that could turn us into monsters. We need to find a healer before it's too late. That will be our top priority. I can't help put things right around here if I turn into one of those tentacle things. Right?"

"Eek!" said the boar. "Most certainly not."

"Agreed," said the raven. "But you'll help once we find a cure?"

Ryth-Shan nodded. "I'll do what I can, one way or another."

Zriek was pleased and flew to his shoulder. "Then let's not keep the others waiting. I'm fairly certain they're going to shank you if we don't get going."

Ryth-Shan chuckled. "Yeah. That, and my Speak with Animals spell is about to wear off. Thanks for the information, Friends," he said to them. "Let's get moving. Oh, and what's your name?" he asked the boar.

"Bomrush," replied the boar. "You can call me Bomrush. That's what one of the druids has always called me."

"Bomrush," repeated Ryth-Shan. "Well then, Zriek and Bomrush. Welcome to the party." Then they returned to the others, and Ryth-Shan informed them of everything he'd just learned from his two new animal companions.