I agree. Solasta is easy but fair. I used the default rules and spend 2h rerolling my 4 chars. (half elf paladin of devotion, dwarf cleric of fire, high elf greenmage, wood elf marksmen ranger)
I did not use spirit guardian because after reading the description I was not sure what it should do: summon a creature, buff yourself, debuff the enemy???
New players may find it challenging but it can be done. Only big problem was vampire lords use AOE dark/blind spell where I found no way to remove the debuff.

BG3 is about: abuse the system and nuke the enemy before they nuke you.

In Solasta my paladin would cast protection from good and evil and then stand between several huge elementals forever.
In BG3 they would bleed fire, making the ground burn and end concentration.
In Solasta the blur spell protects your char from a goblins fire arrow.
In BG3 the arrow misses but it damages the char anyway and break concentration.

Last edited by Madscientist; 13/06/21 02:56 PM.

groovy Prof. Dr. Dr. Mad S. Tist groovy

World leading expert of artificial stupidity.
Because there are too many people who work on artificial intelligence already :hihi: