Joined: Jun 2019
Sorcerers will usually tend to have much more offensive spell lists than wizards, as they can know less spells. The difference is that a sorcerer can make their spells do things, for example: wanna cast a fireball a bonus action? done. wanna fire two fire bolts with the same action? done. You're out of spell slots? just make new ones from your innate magic energy (metamagic points).
Where the wizard will have a LOT of versatility on the sheer amount of spells they can know, a sorcerer will be able to shape their own spells to do what they want with what they have. I'm looking at the full spell list for Wizards andd it already looks pretty offensive. Wouldn't the Sorcerer being able to create new spell slots undermine the point of having that garbage approach to magic in the first place making it OP?
Joined: Jun 2020
Want to twin-cast disintegrate on those two boss creatures that the monk just stunned? Won't see a wizard doing that ^.^
Joined: Oct 2020
I'm looking at the full spell list for Wizards andd it already looks pretty offensive. Wouldn't the Sorcerer being able to create new spell slots undermine the point of having that garbage approach to magic in the first place making it OP? Right now, with the wizard being able to learn every spell in the game, yes you're right it's a bit irrelevant to compare spell lists. It's not like that in the tabletop, and i think wizards shouldn't be able to learn everything precisely because it undermines the identy of other spellcasters. As for the undermining, it really isn't because you have a limited pool of metamagic points, and the conversion is expensive. Number of metamagic points = sorcerer level. Spell points-to-created-spell-slot cost: lvl 1 slot: 2 points lvl 2 slot: 3 points lvl 3 slot: 5 points lvl 4 slot: 6 points lvl 5 slot: 7 points You can convert spell slot into points to gain 1 point per spell level. (Player handbook page 101) Also keep in mind that these points are also used to fancy up your spells.
Joined: Oct 2020
Aberrant Mind Clockwork Soul Draconic Bloodline Divine Soul Shadow Storm Wild Magic I believe its quite save to presume we will not get Aberrant Mind ...  About the others ... mostly it seems like matter of stats, more than any huge difference, especialy around level 10 ... and even tho it was allready confrimmed by larian, that 10 will not be level cap ... i would not expect us to get "far beyond that point". :-/ So dont see why not ... yet, to be completely honest ... i dont even see much why yes. :-/ I dare to presume that those who are just adding allready existing spells have fair chance to be at least modded ... but for example Shadow is in my honest opinion without even the slightest chance to be implemented properly. :-/ But even tho you didnt get it to your list for some reason ... If there is anyting i REALLY hope for ... its Pyromancy. :P Now, back to offtopic.  The spell list, it looks like they create buffs and since no damage spells were listed I'm assuming those are to be applied to another party member? I don't know anything about D&D, I'm just trying to interpret what those spells would be used for in a party of four? I believe we still dont understand each other ... That "list" i posted, if that is what you are talking about ... is not spell list ( THIS is spell list), its metamagic ... wich Sorcerers are using to boost their own (or in some case even others) spells ... i give you example and hope it will be clearer: Lets say you want to use Shocking Grasp ... As a Wizzard you would neet to get to close range, and then you will be able to hit your enemy with this spell ... giving 1d8, and preventing enemies from take reactions ... And that is all Wizzard can do. As a Sorcerer you would be perfectly able to do the same ... BUT! You also have metamagic, that is working with your another resource ... Sorcery points. (simmilar to spell slots, wild shape slots, superiorrity dices, channel divnity resources, etc.)And if you decide to use them for casting that Shocking Grasp ... you can altern its effect to: Careful Spell - Funny enough, there is no effect here since there is no saving throw ... - BUT! If you would be casting Grease, instead of Shocking Grasp ... and you would spend 1 Sorcery point, your friendly teammember in that same Grease would be protected agains falling prone. Distant Spell - You can spend 1 Sorcery point, to use this spell on 30f range instead of meele. Empowered Spell - If you roll low on damage ... with this metamagic, you can spend 1 Sorcery point, to get new damage roll ... so if your life is depending on that last attack you can make, and you do 2dmg ... you have another try, if you have unspend sorcery point.  Extended Spell - Im honestly not sure if i get this one right ... but if i do, you can spend 1 Sorcery point to make your enemy umable to take reaction for 2 rounds, instead of one. Heightened Spell - Once again, this one have no effect on shocking grasp, since your enemy dont make any saving throw ... - BUT! If you would be casting Grease, instead of Shocking Grasp ... and you would spend 1 Sorcery point, your enemy would have distadvantage for his saving throw ... and therefore much higher change to fall prone. This could be especialy effective against more enemies, when combined with cleave attack ... bcs unless im vrong, you score automatic Crittical for meele attack against proned targets ... and now imagine that person who would use the Cleave attack would be Barbarian, who is using another dmg dice when score crittical hit. :drooling_smilie: Quickened Spell - Here once again im not quite sure if i undestand it corectly ... but presuming i do, you can spend 2 sorcery points to cast 2 Shocking Grasps (or any other spells ofcourse, but i stick to the example) in one round ... wich potentialy gives you double damage per turn ... as long as you have enough Sorcery points.  Subtle Spell - Larian allready mentioned in one of interviews, that casting spells within conversations is one of goals for final release ... with this metamagic, Sorcerer is able to cast them without using any words, or gestures ... that would probably mean undetectable, when used in conversation ... or without breaking stealth, when used in regular world.  - So, to stick to our example ... when you will be stealthing to your enemy, you should be able to use this Metamagic to attack him with Shocking Grasp without leaving stealth. This sounds wrong tho, since stealthed person remain in real-time world instead of turn-based world right now ... so you would be totally able to kill with your sorcerer anything from stealth, without even entering combat ... wich is nonsence. :-/ So i dare to presume some changes would be needed for this one ...And finaly... Twinned Spell - If you cast your Shocking Grasp, you will be able to spend 1 Sorcery points to attact second enemy with the same spell ... (wich if i understatnd it corectly for non-cantrip spells, that targets one creature only, would mean without additional cost) //edit: So if you ask me ... the question is not actualy why would anyone play Sorcerer, when we have Wizzard ... but why even bother with Wizzard, when you can be Sorcerer. 
Last edited by RagnarokCzD; 13/06/21 03:14 PM.
I still dont understand why cant we change Race for our hirelings.  Lets us play Githyanki as racist as they trully are!
Joined: Sep 2020
Wizards know more spells than sorcerers and have a larger spell list, but each day have to choose a subset of their spells to prepare. Thus they might prepare a spell that is useful for an encounter, or might not. Whereas a sorcerer knows less spells, but can 1.) always cast all of their spells and 2.) gets access to Metamagic and Sorcery Points, which they can use to buff their spells and get more spell slots. tl;dr, Wizards have more broad versatility but less power on any single day.
However, in BG3, wizards can freely change their spells at any time (plus you can rest anytime), removing one of the largest reasons for picking a sorcerer over a wizard. The ~only benefits of a Sorcerer in BG3 will be for the Metamagic to empower spells and the specific sub-class powers. And roleplaying.
On the topic of Sorcerous Origins, I highly doubt that we'll see any non-PHB ones. Wild Magic especially seems right up Larian's alley, although they'll almost certainly use a shortened version of the wild magic list.
I'll add my +1 for Larian to implement them, just in case! Or at the very least, it'd be nice if Larian homebrewed the PHB-sorcerous origins to gain domain spells (additional known spells based on your subclass) just like the newer non-PHB sorcerer subclasses get. Larian likes additional options, right?
old hand
old hand
Joined: Nov 2020
I kinda hope we do get Aberrant Mind. It'd be interesting to find a companion who has a lot more control over their tadpole and it's become the main source of their power, giving them the same goal as Astarion to control it but possibly being more good aligned.
Joined: Jun 2019
I'm looking at the full spell list for Wizards andd it already looks pretty offensive. Wouldn't the Sorcerer being able to create new spell slots undermine the point of having that garbage approach to magic in the first place making it OP? Right now, with the wizard being able to learn every spell in the game, yes you're right it's a bit irrelevant to compare spell lists. It's not like that in the tabletop, and i think wizards shouldn't be able to learn everything precisely because it undermines the identy of other spellcasters. As for the undermining, it really isn't because you have a limited pool of metamagic points, and the conversion is expensive. Number of metamagic points = sorcerer level. Spell points-to-created-spell-slot cost: lvl 1 slot: 2 points lvl 2 slot: 3 points lvl 3 slot: 5 points lvl 4 slot: 6 points lvl 5 slot: 7 points You can convert spell slot into points to gain 1 point per spell level. (Player handbook page 101) Also keep in mind that these points are also used to fancy up your spells. Putting aside TT rules for the moment (because I haven't the faintest what they are) it might be a better approach if the Wizard focused on crowd control and the Sorcerer was a damage dealer. That would give them two distinct gameplay experiences in the game, meaning both could be useful if used in the same party. I believe we still dont understand each other ... You're correct because the problem is you are approaching this from a D&D enthusiasts perspective. This is not a TT game, it's a video game, a very different beast. Remember, your average BG3 player on release is not going to be an enthusiast, they're going to be a gamer, and all that junk you listed has to be translated into a fun gameplay experience for the player. Sure you can turn shocking grasp into a ranged spell but how is it functionally different to Witch Bolt? Gameplay styles should be different. To expand on the example I gave above, you could have DoT vs Burst Damage dealing. That offers the two roles very different gameplay experiences. I can have a choice between walloping one or two baddies out of the fight and then being restricted to catnips the rest of the fight or I can whittle them all down over time, weakening them for my damage dealers to finish them off. In this scenario you can even have both in the party at the same time. But this isn't what I'm seeing. I'm not against the Sorcerer being put in, I just don't see the point. Also bear in mind that - and no offence to Larian - modders usually do a better job of this sort of thing than game developers. After all, the Sorcerer class is already in the game. Wouldn't it be better for Larian to focus on releasing the full game rather than risking feature creep?
Joined: Oct 2020
In 5e the primary feature that sets apart the sorcerer is metamagic. The "sorcery points" CAN be used to create spell slots, but that is not their main use. You can select various metamagic from a list (and note that ONLY sorcerers get access to this) and do things like quicken a spell (allows spell to be cast as bonus action, which allows you to cast a cantrip on the same turn) or empower the spell (reroll low dice) or my favorite, twin spell, which allows you to hit two targets with a spell that normally only targets one (so put haste on your two front liners, for instance). There are several other metamagics that can be selected as well.
The metamagic makes sorcerors fairly distinct from wizards, even though their spell list is technically the same.
Mechanically, the sorcery points do a good job of making sorcs play different from wizards, but you may add on to that the fact that sorcerers prioritize charisma, which means that they will be entirely different from an RP standpoint (whatever that means to you).
Last edited by dwig; 13/06/21 07:50 PM.
Joined: Oct 2020
Putting aside TT rules for the moment [...] I agree that 100% copying the TT isn't going to make a fun game, but sorcery points really are the core of what makes a sorcerer, a sorcerer. Making the sorcerer a damage dealer and the wizard a controller isn't unheard of in dnd history (see 4th edition), but it isn't how the class is at the moment. And besides, it adds depth in my opinion.
Joined: Oct 2020
Sure you can turn shocking grasp into a ranged spell but how is it functionally different to Witch Bolt? It stops your enemy from taking reactions ... as i said. :-/ Also, its only possibility ... no one ever said that you need to spend your Sorcery points to make Shocking Grasp ranged ... As a Sorcerer, you are totally able to use Witch Bolt ... But unlike Wizzard, you are also totally able in the same turn to ... blind your enemy ... make another enemy asleep ... create a water surface (asuming you have the staff) so your Witch Bolt is stronger ... or strike your enemy down with thunderbolt ... Any of that and many more thigs Wizzard can only dream off.  Gameplay styles should be different. To expand on the example I gave above, you could have DoT vs Burst Damage dealing. That offers the two roles very different gameplay experiences. How would you like to play DoT damage dealing in turn-based game? O_o Also you are totally able to play them both differently, aswell as play them both almost the same ... this game is giving you options ... its up to you how clever you decide to use them.  After all, you can also drag a ton of Barells with you and blow figuratively whole map up, and then it would not matter what class you have at all.  //edit: Wouldn't it be better for Larian to focus on releasing the full game rather than risking feature creep? Eh ... no, certainly not.  For one, you can never create proper mod for Sorcerer, since not all things around sorcerer are implemented ... i dont say that moder didnt do good job (nor i dont say he did, since i didnt try) ... but taking it over and over, all he can do is using the things that are allready ingame. For two, and that is also quite important reason ... Larian allready promissed all base races, classes and subclasses in final release ... and it would certainly not help their reputation at all, if they fail to deliver.  And finaly for three ... once we start to cut out things that are allready in the game reachable from different source ... we should more like cut out Wizzard, bcs he is the one who is taking hings from all the other casters.  Not other way around. :P [irony] But once we start with this ... soon we figure out that we actualy dont need Barbarian, since we allready have Fighter and they both just swing theyr weapons after all ... and that would mean we also dont need Paladin ... also who need monk, when there allready is rogue ... etc. etc ... until we find yout that whole game has ben reduced to three classes: Fighter, Archer and Caster.  But we can still continue, since if there is no reason for nuanced classes ... there is no reason for another races aswell ... they only look different and dont provide different playstyle at all ... so our three classes can all be only and just humans, bcs why bother with others?  And since all our enemies are suplement to same rules, we will simply kill only goblins ... from start to end of game ... And finaly, the surrounding textures are also unimportant, after all they never changed game anyhow, fighting in cave is just the same as in forest ... so we stay in map of Act 1. [/irony] 
Last edited by RagnarokCzD; 13/06/21 08:23 PM.
I still dont understand why cant we change Race for our hirelings.  Lets us play Githyanki as racist as they trully are!
old hand
old hand
Joined: Nov 2020
I'm looking at the full spell list for Wizards andd it already looks pretty offensive. Wouldn't the Sorcerer being able to create new spell slots undermine the point of having that garbage approach to magic in the first place making it OP? Right now, with the wizard being able to learn every spell in the game, yes you're right it's a bit irrelevant to compare spell lists. It's not like that in the tabletop, and i think wizards shouldn't be able to learn everything precisely because it undermines the identy of other spellcasters. As for the undermining, it really isn't because you have a limited pool of metamagic points, and the conversion is expensive. Number of metamagic points = sorcerer level. Spell points-to-created-spell-slot cost: lvl 1 slot: 2 points lvl 2 slot: 3 points lvl 3 slot: 5 points lvl 4 slot: 6 points lvl 5 slot: 7 points You can convert spell slot into points to gain 1 point per spell level. (Player handbook page 101) Also keep in mind that these points are also used to fancy up your spells. Putting aside TT rules for the moment (because I haven't the faintest what they are) it might be a better approach if the Wizard focused on crowd control and the Sorcerer was a damage dealer. That would give them two distinct gameplay experiences in the game, meaning both could be useful if used in the same party. I believe we still dont understand each other ... You're correct because the problem is you are approaching this from a D&D enthusiasts perspective. This is not a TT game, it's a video game, a very different beast. Remember, your average BG3 player on release is not going to be an enthusiast, they're going to be a gamer, and all that junk you listed has to be translated into a fun gameplay experience for the player. Sure you can turn shocking grasp into a ranged spell but how is it functionally different to Witch Bolt? Gameplay styles should be different. To expand on the example I gave above, you could have DoT vs Burst Damage dealing. That offers the two roles very different gameplay experiences. I can have a choice between walloping one or two baddies out of the fight and then being restricted to catnips the rest of the fight or I can whittle them all down over time, weakening them for my damage dealers to finish them off. In this scenario you can even have both in the party at the same time. But this isn't what I'm seeing. I'm not against the Sorcerer being put in, I just don't see the point. Also bear in mind that - and no offence to Larian - modders usually do a better job of this sort of thing than game developers. After all, the Sorcerer class is already in the game. Wouldn't it be better for Larian to focus on releasing the full game rather than risking feature creep? I will respectfully disagree with you. The original TT rules does a lot to differentiate with Sorcerer and Wizard, in particular with Metamagic. They are big. Big enough that multiclassing into Sorcerer is a strategy to improve one's offensive casting abilities heavily. Also the TT rules work and as shown in the game that must not be mentioned, have been proven to work in a video game format. And metamagic is very very new player friendly, cause it allows them to mess around with the systems and experiment with little risk and a lot of reward. to me, as a DnD enthusiast, there is a lot of reason to put sorcerer in as is, and even detatching my experience with 5e I feel the existing rules does a lot to make sorcerer feel completely different and in fact would fit even better in a videogame compared to the more broad but limited wizard.
Joined: Oct 2020
Gameplay styles should be different. And you know what?  I just realized something something: WILD MAGIC!  d100 Effect 01-02 Roll on this table at the start of each of your turns for the next minute, ignoring this result on subsequent rolls 03-04 For the next minute, you can see any invisible creature if you have line of sight to it. 05-06 A modron chosen and controlled by the game appears in an unoccupied space within 5 feet o f you, then disappears 1 minute later. 07-08 You cast fireballas a 3rd-level spell centered on yourself. 09-10 You cast magic missileas a 5th-level spell. 11-12 Roll a d10. Your height changes by a number of inches equal to the roll. If the roll is odd, you shrink. If the roll is even, you grow 13-14 You cast confusioncentered on yourself 15-16 For the next minute, you regain 5 hit points at the start of each o f your turns 17-18 You grow a long beard made of feathers that remains until you sneeze, at which point the feathers explode out from your face 19-20 You cast greasecentered on yourself. 21-22 Creatures have disadvantage on saving throws against the next spell you cast in the next minute that involves a saving throw 23-24 Your skin turns a vibrant shade of blue. A remove cursespell can end this effect. 25-26 An eye appears on your forehead for the next minute. During that time, you have advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on sight 27-28 For the next minute, all your spells with a casting time of 1 action have a casting time of 1 bonus action. 29-30 You teleport up to 60 feet to an unoccupied space of your choice that you can see 31-32 You are transported to the Astral Plane until the end of your next turn, after which time you return to the space you previously occupied or the nearest unoccupied space if that space is occupied. 33-34 Maximize the damage of the next damaging spell you cast within the next minute 35-36 Roll a d10. Your age changes by a number of years equal to the roll. If the roll is odd, you get younger (minimum 1 year old). If the roll is even, you get older. 37-38 1d6 flumphs appear in unoccupied spaces within 60 feet o f you and are frightened of you. They vanish after 1 minute 39-40 You regain 2d10 hit points. 41-42 You turn into a potted plant until the start of your next turn. While a plant, you are incapacitated and have vulnerability to all damage. If you drop to 0 hit points, your pot breaks, and your form reverts. 43-44 For the next minute, you can teleport up to 20 feet as a bonus action on each o f your turns 45-46 You cast levitateon yourself. 47-48 A unicorn appears in a space within 5 feet o f you, then disappears 1 minute later 49-50 You can’t speak for the next minute. Whenever you try, pink bubbles float out of your mouth. 51-52 A spectral shield hovers near you for the next minute, granting you a +2 bonus to AC and immunity to m agicmissile 53-54 You are immune to being intoxicated by alcohol for the next 5d6 days. 55-56 Your hair falls out but grows back within 24 hours. 57-58 For the next minute, any flammable object you touch that isn’t being worn or carried by another creature bursts into flame 59-60 You regain your lowest-level expended spell slot 61-62 For the next minute, you must shout when you speak 63-64 You cast fog cloudcentered on yourself. 65-66 Up to three creatures you choose within 30 feet of you take 4d10 lightning damage 67-68 You are frightened by the nearest creature until the end of your next turn 69-70 Each creature within 30 feet of you becomes invisible for the next minute. The invisibility ends on a creature when it attacks or casts a spell. 71-72 You gain resistance to all damage for the next minute 73-74 A random creature within 60 feet of you becomes poisoned for 1d4 hours. 75-76 You glow with bright light in a 30-foot radius for the next minute. Any creature that ends its turn within 5 feet o f you is blinded until the end of its next turn. 77-78 You cast polym orphon yourself. If you fail the saving throw, you turn into a sheep for the spell’s duration 79-80 Illusory butterflies and flower petals flutter in the air within 10 feet of you for the next minute. 81-82 You can take one additional action immediately. 83-84 Each creature within 30 feet of you takes 1d10 necrotic damage. You regain hit points equal to the sum of the necrotic damage dealt. 85-86 You cast mirror image. 87-88 You cast fly on a random creature within 60 feet of you 89-90 You become invisible for the next minute. During that time, other creatures can’t hear you. The invisibility ends if you attack or cast a spell 91-92 If you die within the next minute, you immediately come back to life as if by the reincarnatespell 93-94 Your size increases by one size category for the next minute 95-96 You and all creatures within 30 feet o f you gain vulnerability to piercing damage for the next minute 97-98 You are surrounded by faint, ethereal music for the next minute. 99-00 You regain all expended sorcery points. Is that different enough?  //edit: Speaking of wiki ... I dare to presume its not exactly "official material for survey" ... But i was checking it a little and i found something interesting: https://baldursgate3.wiki.fextralife.com/Staggering+SmiteHOW TO ACQUIRE STAGGERING SMITE Staggering Smite can be acquired by the following classes: Paladin, Hexblade, Stone Origin I dont want to give tha false hopes here, but do anyone think that this could be actualy leak? 
Last edited by RagnarokCzD; 13/06/21 08:55 PM.
I still dont understand why cant we change Race for our hirelings.  Lets us play Githyanki as racist as they trully are!
Joined: Jun 2020
Not to mention Sorcerer was in the original BG games. Deliberately excluding one wouldn't look good. Sorcerer has always been my favorite class and I am intrigued by how Larian will implement the class. I am particularly interested in Draconic Bloodlines and while all mortals have free will, being subtly influenced by your Draconic blood towards good or evil (depending on your bloodline source, metallic or chromatic respectively). You also might be subconsciously more greedy than another PC as all Dragons no matter their alignment lust for treasure. (Also to clarify, the source of your Draconic blood doesn't have to be as literal as, "my grandmom had a fun time with a Dragon who was in human/elf/mortal form" (also only Metallics can polymorph themselves), maybe your father killed a dragon some of its blood got in his mouth and when he sired you some of that blood found it's way into you. I want to try the Wild Magic, but the original games really put me off, and in TT I always felt I was at the mercy of the DM when it came to the random effects I and others would suffer. Which does make sense given the chaotic nature of this type of magic.
Evil always finds a way.
Joined: Jun 2019
Putting aside TT rules for the moment [...] I agree that 100% copying the TT isn't going to make a fun game, but sorcery points really are the core of what makes a sorcerer, a sorcerer. Making the sorcerer a damage dealer and the wizard a controller isn't unheard of in dnd history (see 4th edition), but it isn't how the class is at the moment. And besides, it adds depth in my opinion. I understand that. It doesn't make me like them any more. Hate doesn't even come close to how I feel about it. I've been gaming all my life and I've never played a system so bad, so utterly un-fun as the sorcery points system. It's killed any chance of me ever playing a magic user in this game, or even having one in my party. I could rant on this for hours, I hate it so much.
Joined: Jun 2020
How can you rant on something for hours and hate it so vehemently when you, by your own recent admission actually know next to nothing about it, don't understand it, and have never had any actual contact with it at an experiential level?
You actually can't.
I'd invite you to try, in an articulate, reasoned and sensible fashion, giving back up to what you have to say and explanations for your impressions. Please - it might help some of us understand your apparent loathing of this thing that you don't really know anything about, by your own admission.
Joined: Dec 2020
I'd suggest toning down the aggression, we all want this game to be good. We just have different ideas of what is realistically going to happen with Larian in control.
old hand
old hand
Joined: Nov 2020
How can you rant on something for hours and hate it so vehemently when you, by your own recent admission actually know next to nothing about it, don't understand it, and have never had any actual contact with it at an experiential level?
You actually can't.
I'd invite you to try, in an articulate, reasoned and sensible fashion, giving back up to what you have to say and explanations for your impressions. Please - it might help some of us understand your apparent loathing of this thing that you don't really know anything about, by your own admission. As much as I very much disagree with his position, his perspective has some merit as someone who isn't familiar with 5e. It gives us the impressions of someone looking at the systems from afar and mostly being familiar with videogames, and thus the conclusions they give based on said lack of experience with TT 5e. Someone coming into BG3 may make the same conclusions based on just reading Sorcerer's abilities, therefore it makes sense that it should be made clear through the gameplay via aesthetics and metamagic that sorcerers are NOT wizards nor warlocks. Overall though, I still vehemently believe adapting the 5e ruleset would translate best to a videogame, and that Metamagic, once someone gives it a chance, acts as a good introduction to the variety of spellcasting while also allowing someone to not care so much about spell slots through easy recharge (with only warlock competing for ease of regaining spell slots in TT and would be better if Short Resting limit was based on Level/Hit Die but I digress). Metamagic is so good, that the feat that allows others to get a much more limited kind is super amazing on any spellcaster.l, at least in theory.
Joined: Nov 2020
For those who want all subclasses, they are on nexus mod.
I will play an aberrant mind.
As for the difference between wizards and sorcerers, sorcerers are proficient on constitution saving throws, which makes it easier for them to keep concentration. And metamagic of course.
Joined: Oct 2020
Bcs we all allready have that ... I dunno, maybe im totally wrong here ... but it seem to me like creating a Barbarian in setting, where every created character no matter the class, gets Rage with all its benefits at character creation. O_o
It might be cool ... But why play Barbarian then, when every figher is also Barbarian with its own perks added on top?
I still dont understand why cant we change Race for our hirelings.  Lets us play Githyanki as racist as they trully are!
Joined: Oct 2020
Same goes for gloom stalker ... so fingers crossed i presume.  I dunno ... It still simply feels unprobable to me, i would presume that Larian would take HUGE inspiration in that subclass, for Sorcerer that is actualy using its Tadpole ... You know what i mean right? Simmilar to when Druid is able to take Intellect Devourer form. I never said its impossible ... i just cant help the feelins that odds are lower than low. ************************************* I dont think so ... As far as i know, Rage gives you at least 3 benefits: (4 if you count checks and saving throws separately ...) • You have advantage on Strength Checks and Strength Saving Throws. • When you make a melee weapon Attack using Strength, you gain a +2 bonus to the damage roll. This bonus increases as you level. • You have Resistance to bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage. Source: https://roll20.net/compendium/dnd5e/Barbarian#contentI mean sure ... we can get Advantage easily, wich certainly is 1/4 of Rage benefits ... Yet, in "some" situations we need to at least jump over the creature, so we get to its back ... therefore its not "freely available" ... it depends on player then, if they want to spend bonus action to get Rage with all its benefits, or only jump around and attack poorly with "just advantage on hit". :P And even if ... simmilar to: "telepatic speech feature would probably switch to free uses of detect thoughts" ... the same goes for advantage from backstab, or while raging ... To be honest, looking at all those benefits ... i would rather rage than jump, but i gues its matter of choice. And about Wizzards ... unless i see some confrimation from Larian that this is "working as intented" i will concider it to be simple bug. :P
Last edited by Raze; 14/03/22 11:58 AM. Reason: deleted forum account
I still dont understand why cant we change Race for our hirelings.  Lets us play Githyanki as racist as they trully are!