Its quite a simple problem having nothing to do with <engine limitations> (give me a break, this isn't a indie studio...) more to do with TIME standing still itself in the game. There are no calendars, dates and any sort of time flow withing maps. Time is showed by just switching map zones or camping. Easy way out to a somewhat complicated problem, which does not have to be that complicated... But to Larian it seems that day/nights MUST BE <next gen> dynamic and be like the Witcher3 and Elder scrolls games...(including its baggage of NPC scheduling AI problems), and will not accept anything less. So sadly its a big NG for them. That would indeed be a huge time sink. They do not want to settle with a 6/10 score half baked day/night system. They aim for a 9/10 10/10. My interpretation of whats going on anyways...