I am more often than not able to "make do" with whatever the game has to offer. Faces, hair and such are often so far off the radar on my part that I usually just pretty much revamp it completely in my head.

Think it as comparing the player model in Pathfinder Kingmaker with their portraits! The ingame model is so far off the mark that the portrait does pretty much everything for me.

One thing that I seriously dread and have a much harder time getting past is **DREADFUL ARMOR!!!!!!** >.< I died inside when my sneaky ranger and my cool and edgy assassin in DoS2 had to wear that ABSOLUTELY HIDEOUS PIECE that is the royal blue armor. -_- Armor in DoS2, beside the caster armor, was generally so-very-much-not-in-my-taste imo. Thankfully, armor in BG3 (according to the datamining) does not seem at all as bad as I feared - and thus I am sorta satisfied. Most of it even looks really good!

Regarding faces... Don't get me started on how much I dislike the elven faces (both male and female ones). Not because they don't look nice - because they do. BUT! They look like half-elves at best because there is nothing elven about their features. Not a single one of them, not for male nor females. They look much more human than I am comfortable with (there is a good in-depth discussion of this here somewhere on the forums).

Regarding hair - sorta-ish satisfied with the hair styles... Sure, they feel limiting at best but it feels nowhere near as critically off-the-mark as the faces. For females, I usually run with either the hairstyle swept to the side, or the thick ponytail. For male, I usually use the long, back-combed style for elves, and shorter of the same version for human/half-elves. Something I do feel like I really am missing is a simple braid hairstyle with the tail on either shoulder (like my profile picture)... I am a sucker for braids of varying styles in general - but especially the more viking-themed / fantasy themed braid-haircuts.

Hoot hoot, stranger! Fairly new to CRPGs, but I tried my best to provide some feedback regardless! <3 Read it here: My Open Letter to Larian