To confirm with Max,

-No, it's just as it was, no change
-Not much; two cantrips had their surface generation effect taken away, that was about it.
-Yes, that's still very much a thing that is encourage, and going in 'normally' almost always leaves you at a dramatic disadvantage otherwise.
-Yes, you can still do this; you can also do it by getting one person into combat while the rest are far away and then sneaking them in while the combat is 'frozen'. Not only is this it a thing, but it's somethign that Swen is particularly excited about abusing and exploiting, and loves as a 'feature'... it's part of his game design 'philosophy' in fact, so it seems unlikely to change.[/quote]

My thanks to you and Maximuuus for the quick reply. Not that happy with the answers though. xD Gonna be very dissapointed when it actually releases. D:

They have some "design philosophies" that really hurt the game's quality and most of all immersion. I really expected all these problems would be fixed, because they had a good ruleset to use. But when you just start homebrewing willy nilly with a complete disregard to game balance... /sigh

Last edited by Dabedidabe; 16/06/21 02:29 PM.